"Mommy!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!"
My daughter came running out of the bathroom with an excited yet confused look on her face. The tone in her holler alerted me that there wasn't anything medically wrong. She wasn't bleeding. There wasn't a limp in her step. She was excited. Yet, her tone also told a story of confusion.
As I raced behind her to the bathroom doorway, she pointed her crooked little finger at the toilet and said, "Mama! The water is BLUE!!!"
And, yes indeedy...the water in the toilet bowl was blue!. You see Doug had brought home some Tidy Bowl blue cleaning tabs. Apparently it was his quiet way of telling his working-mother, child advocate to Sierra Leone wife, that we needed a deep cleaning in our home!! So, just the night before my daughter came hollerin' from the bathroom, I had dropped one of those puppies in the back of the toilet and yes, indeed, the water this morning was BLUE!
Fast forward...3:00 p.m.....same afternoon...
This time, a few hours later, it was my nine year old son who was doing the hootin' and a hollerin' from the bathroom. He too had this look of surprise. He too had a face with a look of confusion. He had never seen anything like it! He even added, "And when I pee it turns GREEN!"
This was something new to my children! This was something they weren't accustomed to in our home. This was out of the ordinary in their lives! This was different and unexpected!
Do you see where I am going with this? There are circumstances in our life that come out of nowhere. We are plugging along, just gonna go in and pee, when.... BAM...THE WATER IS BLUE!
Let me elaborate...
We are plugging along and BAM...the doctor says, "cancer".
We are plugging along and BAM...we are told we are going to lose our job.
We are plugging along and BAM...our husband is to be deployed.
We are plugging along and BAM...we face a friend who has betrayed us.
We are plugging along and BAM...our child rebels.
We don't see the BLUE WATER every day. It is different. It is out of the ordinary. It is a surprise. Our brain, or our heart, doesn't quite know how to process this. We don't quite know what to do with this blue water!
My children, when they saw the blue water, when they saw something out of the ordinary, they came running to me! "Mama! THE WATER IS BLUE!"
And...I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE! It wasn't new to me. It wasn't a surprise. I had placed it there. I was not confused, or upset, or disheartened about the blue water. I knew the outcome...a clean toilet bowl!
GOD SEES IT TOO! Cancer, death, deployment, unemployment, betrayal, adultry...none of it is new to Him. He has seen it all. He is not surprised.
He wants you to come running to Him! He wants you to take your confusion to Him and say,
"GOD! THE WATER IS BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest."
Mathew 11:28