Saturday, January 29, 2011

Costume party

The orphanage had their first ever costume party...check out these pictures...they are adorable!

Lucy...the fairy princess

Emmanuel...the of the boys we sponsor

Salamatu (with her hand up)...who my sister's family sponsors

The kids all look so happy and so healthy. It is such an amazing change in all of them! Wow, the power of God's people coming together, giving of themselves, and saying, "Lord we will simply obey!"

I just love this totally summarizes the work our Lord is doing for his children....

"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
 he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor."
1 Samuel 2:8

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How can I help?

 active duty people serving in the military 

people in the seven reserve components

Look at those numbers. That's astounding! 

And then, multiply those numbers, let's just say by 3...we'll just take a guesstimate...


family members serving our country....serving us...

just like my brother-in-law, my sister, and their three children...

serving us...


There is a family that just moved in behind us. The dad will be leaving for Iraq soon.


Don't assume it is cookies. Don't assume it is babysitting. Don't assume it is fixing a window.

Just ask...


Dear Lord, help me not to assume. Help me not to think that I know what it feels like to be in the shoes of others. Help me just to ask the question, Lord, "How can I help?"  Help me to be be be available.

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"
1 John 3:17

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Philippians 2:7



Early out for Luke, Kobe, Faith.
Doug will get them.
 I will run home with my co-worker's car and help Luke clean it for a donation for his trip to Africa.
Then back to work,
make exam,
study for class today.
Approve a research study on campus.
Back home.
Make grilled cheese sandwiches.
Kiss Doug goodbye as he leaves to go officiate.
Take Kobe to Bible study.
Pick up Luke's friend and take them both to basketball practice.
Back home,
 Pick up Sam & Faith.
Take Sam to tutoring at Central.
Take Faith to church.
Meet friends at Smokey Row for a 15 minute coffee and catch up.
Back to the gym to get Luke and his friend.
Take them to Kobe's Bible study.
Get Sam from tutoring.
Take him home.
15 more minutes with friends at Smokey Row.
Up to church to get Faith.
Stop by and pick up Kobe and Luke.
YIKES! What a day...

Kobe makes pizza and we enjoy some laughs around the table.
Get Luke and Faith to bed.
Read devotions with them.
Turn out the lights.
Study with Sam.
Pray for Kobe.
Pray for Sam.
Doug is home....


And then today, today I read the words of my friend and my heart melts because there is someone, someone who gets it....

"I no longer felt control over….anything. My emotions were stretched to the limit, every day seemed like a crazy mess of sorting through schedules and who has what and trying to get kids to this event and that, I felt like I was on a roller coaster trying to attend to everyone’s emotions and need for attention. Every trip to the grocery store would give me a gut wrenching stomach ache as I wondered how much I would spend for a week’s worth of food. Every purchase had to be strategized and planned for. There were devotionals to plan, meals to cook, loads of laundry to do, homework to help with, heart-to-heart talks to be had, to-do lists racing through my head, children to train up, date-nights that needed to be planned out weeks in advance, quality alone time that I somehow needed to find with each of my kids, and many things that seemed so important had to be put on the back burner….like returning emails!"

And I realize, as I did after my talk with Doug last night, that this is our life.
We are giving.
We are giving our all.
We are stepping out.
We are stepping up.
God never said the road would be easy.
He never said we wouldn't feel defeated at times.
 He never said we wouldn't need faith.
Would I change it?
Well, maybe the schedule could be modified a bit,
but would I change the steps we have taken to have Sam here?
Change the piercing in my heart to bring more kids over here from Africa?

For what?
A $40,000 car?
New kitchen countertops?
A flat screen TV?
Time alone to watch reality TV?

Naw...I wouldn't change it
because you see
 through the chaos,
 through the emotions,
 through the days of being overwhelmed...
My kids are learning that relationships are more important than materials,
that stepping out for Christ isn't always neat and tidy and perfect,
that loving others means first loving our Lord and Savior,
and that even though we look different, Christ brings us all together!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Last night I had night class. The plans were in place for all four children. Doug would pick up Luke and take him to basketball with him. Sam would go to practice after school and then catch a ride home from friends. I would meet Kobe and Faith at home and then take them to the gym at 5:45 prior to going back to campus for class. Everything planned. Everything going as planned.

"Sam is not home."

The text message came across on my phone at approximately 7:30 p.m.


I tried texting him. Doug tried texting him.
No response.

And here we a moment as parents...

And I would like to say my faith was in Christ. I would like to say that I put my trust in the Lord and that I put my trust in my new son.

But I confess today, I didn't.
      I let Satan in.
              I opened the door.
And, in he came...

Me: "Well, where is he?"
Doug: "I don't know, but he needs to learn that he needs to let us know where he is going."
Me: "Do you think he is ok?"
Doug: "I am sure he is. He's probably at the freshman game with friends."
Me: "Yeah, but he should let us know that."
Me: "I know...and he has homework."
Doug: "Seriously...why isn't he responding to us?"
Me: "That's it...we are having a heart to heart when he gets home."

In Satan walked...prancing around the house,
                               prancing through the rooms,
                                    doing a work on our thoughts, on our behaviors,
                                                                      on our words.

"Hey Mom..."
"What Luke? I am trying to find Sam. What do you need?"

Red cape. Red horns. Red tights. S-A-T-A-N.

"Well, Mom...he is upstairs in bed."


My poor son, he had been in bed the entire time!

As I let that nasty little devil jump through our open door,
                                                     let my mind wonder,
                                                     let my mouth run,
                                  my son was upstairs battling a head cold!

Battling two weeks of information overload.
Battling a transition from a 90 degree continent to a -2 degree town.
Battling the feeling of congestion and headache and dizziness.

Wow...dear Lord, forgive me for I have sinned!  Help me to trust in you. Help me to trust in my children. Help me to stop, not jump to conclusions, and just pause in my actions. Help me Lord to prepare my mind daily for the actions I will need to take, or the inaction you may want me to sit in.

1 Peter 1:13
"Prepare your mind for action."

And by the way, dear Lord, help my husband to check the house more thoroughly next time!! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stories from this week...

It's official...they are brothers!
Last night Kobe came downstairs and was messing around with an ipod touch. He just kept giggling this little sneaky giggle though. I couldn't really tell what he was doing, so finally I asked. He informed me that they had a new app on the ipod that allowed him to control the mouse on Sam's computer that was up in the bedroom. He giggled as he said, "And Sam is working on it right I am messing him up!"  Just as he finished his explanation, I hear a voice from the stairs, "KOOOOBBBBEEE!"  And down comes our six foot five Sam with a smile on his face to tackle his little brother!  I new then it was official!!!

Explaining discrimination and reform
Every evening Sam and I get to connect over American History content. He is intent on learning the history of our country, but has very little frame of reference. I spend time explaining terms, providing context, and trying to connect our history to his 17 years in Ghana. Last night the topic was DISCRIMINATION. We read about Booker T. Washington, reformers and the NAACP. At one point the text described a well known lynching case. I looked at Sam and said, "Do you know what that is?"  He did not. A wave of sickness came over me as I peered into the eyes of my amazing dark skinned son and explained the horrific act of lynching. We discussed that there were still people today in America who have deep hatred for African Americans. And then...then....we shared that moment when we both agreed that CHRIST is the only way to bridge the gap.

Not even if everybody does it?
We were chatting with the kids about Christ-like behavior. I used the basketball game analogy because, well, that is just what we do in our family. We talked about showing good sportsmanship and exemplifying Christ at all times...even if you disagree with a call. We told our boys that we expect to NEVER hear them boo a ref, or use inappropriate language. I joked telling them I would come right out on the court and remove them myself if I saw them do it. Sam said, "Even if everyone else on the team is doing it?"  And we said, "Yes. We are not of this world Sam...we are Christ's children...we will be different." Several days later we were completing a devotional. As we got to the questions about keeping our heart and our actions pure, Sam reminded his siblings, "Even if everyone else is booing, we will not!"  I couldn't help but smile.

Dunk Contest
Quite regularly Sam will ask me when he can begin playing basketball with Kingdom Hoops. I remind him that the Kingdom Hoops involvement won't begin until March, after high school ball has ended. I think secretly he hopes I will change my answer, so he keeps asking! Anyway, since they are already into the season, up until this week, Sam has not really been overly involved in the high school basketball practices. But last night he came home and said he got to go "full on" with them. He then proceeded to tell me that he had a dunk competition with one of the other Pella boys on the team at the end of practice. Everyone was watching, including his coach. I said, "Who won?"  And with a big grin, but an air of "duh mom", he said, "WELL ME MOM!"  I hugged on him and said, "That's my boy!" 

What a blessing
As people in town begin to learn about our new son, I regularly am told, "Wow, what a blessing you guys are to him. That is so great your family is stepping out and making this sacrifice." These words truly baffle me. I mean sure, am I buying more milk, more pizza and more hotdogs? And yes, there another load of laundry to do. We are stammering our way through parenting a teenager who looks 100% different from every other child in his school, but we are not the ones blessing! The blessings are being showered upon us! Sam has given us a whole new outlook, a whole new experience in parenting, a whole new schedule, and a whole new understanding of ourselves and our walk with our Lord.

My response is, and will continue to be, "Naw...when you step out in obedience, you are the one who is blessed!"

"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live"
Deuteronomy 30:19

a promise

The picture is worth a thousand words.
Words that I poured out of my heart during my time in Sierra Leone last February.
Words that you can read about here. 

Sharif and his grandmother hold a special place in my heart.
They captured me and allowed me to feel emotions I didn't know existed.
They gave me courage to step up and step out in my faith, in my career, in my love.

We received word today that Sharif's grandmother,
who is pictured above just moments before she would
 give her grandson into the care of The Raining Season Orphanage,
has died.

Sharif does not yet know.
She was all he had left.
 Eight years old and every member of his family is dead.
His only family is The Covering.  

This woman gave up her grandson.
She humbled herself to say, "I can't do this alone."
Humbled herself to say, "I need help."
Humbled herself to say, "You do it."

And today, as I mourn her death, I have to praise God for her courage!
I have to thank our Lord that she had the strength to be humbled,
the stamina to step out,
 and the faith to place her precious grandson in the arms of someone else.

That day as I hugged this woman, I made her a promise that I would take care of her son.
I fully intend to keep that promise!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Listening Ears

The day had been stressful and yet so full of fun. My sister, Kate, was moving back to Iowa from North Carolina. They had settled on a small town just west of Ames and today, my sisters and I were all together searching out rental homes in the area.

I was still living in North Carolina. Anne had just relocated with her family to Iowa a year or so prior. So, this day was somewhat bittersweet for me. I knew I would be losing my little sis. No more poppin in the back door to join us for dinner. No more morning walks through the mall with my kids to go see "Aunt KK" at her job. No more post-midnight painting marathons at my house, changing the wall color from beige to red in 4 hours! 

But my loss would be their gain! Anne and Kate would be less than an hour a part. Extended family would be close by and small town convenience would replace big city rush and rumble. New jobs, new climate, and's purpose...a new home.

"Turn LEFT!" 
"No, wait...make that a RIGHT!"

"Shucks...I think we missed it. Did that say MARION STREET on that sign?"

"Seriously...turn around Jen! I think we missed it!"

We didn't really know what we were looking for. There wasn't much of a plan. Just three sisters who thought they could track down a nice old Iowa rental house in a day.


At this point, I think I was driving. Anne was in the front seat (due to car sickness that supposedly stems from childhood), and Kate was in the backseat providing direction. Guidance was coming from all sides and it was difficult to discern, drive, and stay the course.


Not in a car with your sisters looking for a rental home...but in the car of life...looking for a direction?  Searching for a purpose? Trying to discern which move to make next?

Where do I go from here God?
Which path do I follow?
What if I make the wrong choice?
Is that you God or is this something else?

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way-walk in it'" 
Isaiah 30:21

Listen my dear sisters....


He is speaking.
He is talking behind you.
Whispering in your ear.
No matter which way you turn, He is there...guiding you. Keeping you on the right path.


Dear Lord,
 Thank you for being my guide. Thank you for letting your voice rise above all others. Thank you for consistently speaking into my ear and giving me the map to your path for my life. Thank you Lord. Thank you for giving me the courage to turn to the right and to the left. Thank you Lord. Today my dear sister reminded me of the blessings our family is seeing....a son from Ghana, plans for a trip to Sierra Leone for a father and son, health, wealth, joy! Dear Lord, today I pray for every woman or man reading this...may we have ears that are open and a heart that is willing!  AMEN!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Tuesday my friends, it is Tuesday...

So, those of you who have followed me for some time know that Doug and I were in the practice of fasting and praying about our little Lucy in Sierra Leone. We did it not because it would gain us entrance into heaven (we both got that when we repented of our sin and accepted Jesus' finished work on the cross)! Rather, we did it because God had placed it on our hearts separately during our devotion times.

Well, we had seen big things happening on our little Tuesday fasts. Senators jumping on board in support of a medical visa. Lucy being moved to The Covering orphanage after three and half years of utter neglect and malnourishment. The hospital joining our cause.  BIG stuff!

Well, my friends, IT IS TUESDAY...check this out....

Jesus Heartburn: For THIS we have prayed!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Open the eyes of my heart

I drove back to my house with a chip on my shoulder. It had been a long day and now, after running three kids to three different locations, I was not happy that I was driving back to my house to get a pair of basketball shoes.

"Grab some goldfish crackers too."

The text jumped off the phone at me and about made me throw my precious cell phone out the car window!  I had heard moms describe themselves as "taxi-moms" and some even had a little magnet on their car to proclaim the title, but seriously, this is getting ridiculous!  Three kids. Three gyms. Three trips. And Sam hadn't even arrived yet!

I always knew my children would be involved in athletics. I even remember with absolute clarity being on a walk when I lived in Minneapolis years ago and seeing some kids playing in a driveway. Doug and I were dating long distance at the time, and I remember thinking, "Wow, if this works out between us, someday I will have tall, lanky children in sports!"

Well, that day is here and while most trips to practice occur with relative ease, this particular day, I was not the happiest of campers about it!

You see, just before I gathered up the kids, grabbed the gym bags, checked for Gatorade, headbands, and arm sleeves, I had gotten an email from someone who had just returned from Ghana. She took the most amazing photos and one of them had captured my heart just before I left as taxi-mom.

The photo was of a group of boys in line to do a basketball drill. This is not a new picture to me. Daily I see kids lined up in Doug's camps, waiting for their turn to dribble the ball, make the pass, or take the shot. Daily I watch kids run in and out of the gym, excited to play the game.

But daily, I also see kids upset and crying because they didn't win "dribble knock-out" or because their team didn't earn the Gatorade prize. Daily I see parents (myself included) cater to their children...asking what they want for dinner, succumbing to the cries and whining when the kids beg for McDonald's, and buying the newest pair of tennis shoes when the other pair isn't even close to being worn out.

Daily I see this and daily I do this!

So that my dear sisters is why this picture...this picture...jumped off the page at me...

Photo courtesy of Odle Mountain Photography

The picture just tells such a story.

The shoes are worn.

The feet are close together, ready to get their turn.

And the one boy...the one in the just so happy to be at camp, even without shoes!!! 

You see, these children do not care if their tennis shoes have a Lebron symbol on them. They do not care if they have shoes the same color as their team uniform. They do not care if they even have shoes on their feet!! They are just happy for the opportunity to play!

So, when the text came for me to make the trip back to my house to get my son's "basketball shoes" because he had left them and couldn't possibly wear his other "non-basketball shoes" for practice, my heart was troubled.

I was troubled at my own greed. I was troubled at what I was teaching my child by my running back to get the shoes and catering to his lack of responsibility. And, I was troubled at our wealth.

I don't know...God is doing a big work on my heart these past few weeks! I am just trying to stay open to what He has to say. For when I stand before Him and I don't want Him to ask me why I fed my own children and gave my own children new shoes but didn't feed His people or clothe His people.  And I surely don't want to have to say, "When did I see them Lord?"  

Open the eyes of my heart Lord. Open the eyes of my heart!

With love and conviction,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What drum do you hear?

Tonight I sat with Sam, reviewing his homework for his English II class. His assignment was to read an excerpt in his text from the work, "Walden".. They are learing about figurative writing, stepping into classic works to understand and analyze our world. And, when I saw the title of the work he was to read, I thought to myself, "Oh, I remember reading this in high school, maybe I will recall some of it and be able to help Sam understand."

So, we dove into the text, tearing apart each line of Thoreau's work, deciphering his will in his writing. It was about his departure from the fast paced, hurried life to retreat to a cabin in the woods.

Sam is an intelligent kid. He understood the reference to our Fourth of July. He caught the figurative language about the pond. He got the gist of the story and we laughed about the pace I keep as a mother. We made connections to the Bible's teaching on Jesus retreating to the mountainside to refocus and have solitude. We studied new words and learned more about each other.

Then we got to the end of the poem.

 It was the final sentence of this version in his text.

It was the resting place that would convict my soul.

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
 ~From Walden, by Thoreau
As we read, I asked Sam if he could give me an example of what he thought this line meant. He pondered my question. He was trying to align the words of the writing with his new found life here in the U.S. He has been through a lot the past few days and his brain was simply stumped.

I offered a suggestion, "You know Sam...when I read this verse, I thought of you."

His eyes held question?

I continued, "Well, I thought of wanted to come to the U.S. You heard the drum. Maybe others around you in Ghana didn't, but you did, and you had the courage to act on it. You had the courage to come here, leave your mom and your sister and follow the beat."

His eyes lit up.

"Sam, how did you decide you wanted to come to the U.S? How did you and your mom make the decision?"

And in his response, in his short explanation, the conviction came. So much for me helping him to understand...once again...he has helped a matter of seconds, his simple, honest answer convicted my soul...

"Well, since I was in fifth grade, I have prayed to God that he would provide me with an opportunity to go to high school in the United States. He provided the opportunity. So I came."

Since fifth grade! 
Did you catch that?
Since fifth grade!

I looked at Kobe who stood next to us, half listening ot our conversation, and I thought...WOW...if Kobe were to pray for something NOW, as a sixth grader...would he have the FAITH to continue praying until he was 17 years old? For 5 years? Until he was one year from graduating high school? Until it looked like time had run out? 

And then...then...I thought....


We all know the answer. We know that we are an impatient, immediate-response society. As much as I say "it is God's will", I know in my heart that I really want it to be in my timing.

Since fifth grade!

The drum never stopped my sisters. The drum kept beating. And Sam, this amazing kid who I am humbled and blessed to have as my new son, never stopped listening! He stayed on the beat and when the opportunity arose, he stepped to the music!!!  

Where are you my sister?
    What drum do you hear?
             What beat is it?

Believe me, I can assure you that it is not the same beat your friends hear!  

God has a plan for your life. He is calling. He is drumming.

Are you willing to step to the music? Are you willing to keep praying for AS LONG AS IT TAKES? 

What drum do you hear?

"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord..."
Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 2

The joy of the Lord is your strength!
Nehemiah 8:10

I love this verse! My aunt Joyce sent it to me today and it came at such a perfect time. We had dropped Sam at school today and as the minutes ticked by until the 3:20 p.m. pick up time, my mind began to wonder...

"Will he like it?"
"Will the other kids accept him?"
"Does he really feel at home with us?"
"Will I ever be able to live up to his biological mother?"
"Will we provide him all that he needs while he is here?"
"Am I going to remember how to do Algebra II and American History?"

You see...Satan absolutely hates what is going on here. He is looking for any little crack or crevice to creep into this situation.

He sees a family from Ghana who have placed their absolute faith and trust in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

He sees how they prayed for opportunity for their only son and God provided it.

He sees how Sam is arriving into a family who also believes and trusts in the salvation through Jesus Christ.

He sees prayer, and talk of testimonies in Christ, and love that comes through God alone.

He sees where this could go and how many people could be touched by this journey.  

AND SATAN HATES IT, so he tries to get his foot in the door.

And sometimes, sometimes we do it to ourselves...through our own minds. Through our own fears and doubt.

Today, I was questioning, I was letting my mind wonder, just for a second.... Today, I was human and Satan is prowling outside the door like a lion ready to pounce, ready to take any opportunity if I should slip up and profess that doubt.


GOD provided HIS word to me through my aunt's email.

The joy of the Lord is your strength!
Nehemiah 8:10

You was pure joy.

Today, I got to hear Sam's testimony of his decision to put his faith in Christ at age 6.
Today, around the supper table I got to laugh with Sam about being the only black kid at the school.
Today, I got to see him dunk the basketball as little white kids watched in awe at our local basketball facility.
Today, I got to watch as a local college girl, back on break, facilitated an invitation for Sam to join team shoot-around and meal tomorrow afternoon.
Today, I got to see Sam hug Faith as she came home from school.
Today, I got to read comments on my blog from old friends and new friends who bring us strength as they share in our journey.
Today, I got to hear how my 8 year old niece, who hasn't even met Sam yet, will be sharing his story with her class at show and tell tomorrow!
Today, I got to see Luke share his treasured Ipod with his new brother.
Today....I could go on and on.

Pure from the Lord! Joy in obedience. Joy in seeing how God brings believers together and how His love crosses all race, age, experience, etc.

Pure Joy!

The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

Thanks Aunt Joyce,
Love, Jen

PS...Pictures tomorrow I promise!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let the adventure begin...

Well, today was a huge day for our family. Today we welcomed Samuel Sarfo III all the way from Ghana to our home in Iowa!  Here is a picture of us at the airport when he arrived. he came.
We met them at the airport at 2 pm.
Picked up his two bags of luggage.
Proceeded to Pella.

"Samuel, what do you like to eat?"        
             "Pizza, chicken nuggets, rice."
"Samuel, what is your favorite color?"    
"Samuel, did you think it would be like this?"  
"Did you think it would be a big city?"    
              "Yes"  ( least we have windmills :)
"Samuel is there anywhere you want to visit in the USA?" 
              "Florida" (Kids agree!)
"Samuel, what do you want to do when you grow up?"    
              "Play in the NBA." (Kobe liked this)
"Samuel, can we call you Sam?"                                             
"Samuel, will you pick me up and hold me for this picture?"     
             "Yes." (Faith asked this!)
"Samuel, what time do you go to bed?"                                   
              "9:00" (Kobe, Luke & Faith were shocked)
"Samuel, what is your favorite team?"                                      
              "The Magic" (Luke liked this.)
"Samuel, who is your favorite player?"                                     
              "Dwight Howard"

 and one of my favorites....

"Samuel, can you dunk?"                                                       
               "Yes." (Kobe asked this & Loved this!)

So, he is here. We are getting to know each other. Tomorrow he will start school.

And, the consequences, the beautiful consequences of our simple obedience to God's call, have begun to shine through!

To share from the Pella Christian handbook that we received tonight during our school tour:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself." 
Luke 10:27

Just lovin in Pella,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

He is so nervous

The words jumped off of Doug's phone:

"He is so nervous."

They were only a portion of a text message Doug had just received from our friend Jake Sullivan, who is right now, on a plane, traveling from Ghana to Iowa with Samuel.

Samuel is the 17 year old boy who is taking a leap of faith. He has been given the opportunity to come to the United States to get an American education and an American basketball scholarship. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for him. His mother and sister kissed him goodbye and sent him on his way, knowing it may be years before they see him again. Years before they hug him. Years before they see his eyes in person.

Can you imagine the faith my sisters?

Can you even imagine the faith?

This boy has never met us. Sure, he has seen facebook pictures and emailed short sentences back and forth, but he has never met us! He has never been to the United States. He said goodbye to everything he has known for the past 17 years.


But nervousness.

"He is so nervous."

God never said the walk would be easy. He never said everything would be handed to us. He never said we wouldn't be nervous, or scared, or confused!

But you know what...those four words today...they opened something in my heart that I had been nervous about. We are also jumping out in faith. We too have not met Samuel. We too are changing our lives. We too have nervousness about the future. But words brought me peace.

You see, those words, when I read them, they made my heart ache for Samuel.

"He is so nervous."

They made me clench my stomach and say, "Oh no. I just feel for him!" 

And in that moment, I knew God was with us.

Because in that moment I knew I would love him just like my own biological children. I knew that I would treat him no differently. I knew that I would celebrate his joys and I would hurt with his hurts!  And that my dear sisters, brought me peace today.

And then I got to thinkin....isn't that EXACTLY what God has done for each of us who has believed in Jesus as our Savior?  He has adopted us into His family. He has given us HIS name.

Name above all Names....and he gave it to us! 

We are called His children! And He will celebrate with our joys and He will hurt with our hurts.  And HE loves us, like a father loves his son....He loves I love Kobe, Luke, Faith, Lucy and Samuel!

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, tha you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his wonderful light."
1 Peter 2:9

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pure Joy.....

We skyped with Lucy again this morning. It is pure joy to see this little girl!  I can't help but cry tears of joy over the work our Lord has done in the life of this child.
She was left on a beach as an infant. Abandoned. Deserted. Left to fend for herself, to die.
Unwanted. Unloved.
Then she was brought to an orphanage where they believed she was cursed because of her disabilities.
Again, abandoned. Deserted. Left on a mat-unfed-untouched-unloved.

Someone asked me recently, "Why her?" Of all the kids at The Covering, "Why Lucy?"

The question was an honest question. It was a question loaded with assumptions - the assumption that our life will never be the same when we get her into our family-the assumption that we will constantly have medical treatment for her- the assumption that she will never walk or talk or communicate-the assumption that we will be making a ginormous sacrifice as a family-

My only answer was "We were called!"

God brought this little girl into our hearts when she was dirty and broken, when she was full of parasites and unable to stand. When we had no opportunity for contact with her and were forced to rely on the only thing we could - FAITH!

"Faith is the essence of things unseen."




When we don't see the way out. When we don't know the plan. When we can't possibly imagine what life will be like. When we aren't sure what lies ahead. When we are fearful and scared and timid.


Today...Lucy took a step without assistance!
Today....Lucy played peek-a-boo with her sister across the internet!
Today....Lucy said, "HI!"
Today....Lucy showed that GOD IS NOT DONE WITH HER!

GOD was never done with her! God has a plan my dear sisters!

A plan for Lucy.

And a plan for you!

Will you have the FAITH to see it through?

Will you CHOOSE the FAITH, when the road looks dark?

Will you CHOOSE the FAITH, when you can't see your way?

Will you CHOOSE the FAITH, when you feel abandoned, and broken, and fearful?

Believe me my dear sisters, I have been there....and God...GOD...proves Himself true!



Love, Jen

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!

It is a time of fresh beginnings.
A time of new starts.
A time of resolutions.
A time for hope and looking to the future.

Happy New Year!

So this we go....resolutions...

1. I will spend quality time in the Word of God.

2. I will spend quality time with my husband. :)

3. I will participate more with my children.

4. I will continue to fight for those who can not fight for themselves.

5. I will not fear and simply DIVE IN for the Lord!

Choose HIM!