(My apologies for the "mom-commentary". Luke is #1...)
This weekend, as is the case most weekends, our family is in the gym. The boys love playing basketball and Faith and I tag along to watch the game and connect with other moms and siblings. This weekend, as is the case most weekends, Doug went to one tournament and I went to another. He had Kobe and his team in Cedar Rapids and I was with Luke in Oskaloosa.
Basketball is our thing. Some families hunt together in the winter. Others go snowmobile riding. Some enjoy weekends at home in front of the fireplace with favorite TV shows on. Not us...for us it is basketball. It is Doug's business. It is his livlihood, but you see it represents more than just three point shots and sweaty socks...it represents the story of our life, but that is for another post....
Today, today my blog is about Luke. My nine year old, middle born, full of energy Luke. His fourth grade team was playing in the tourney this weekend. And, of course with a little bias, I must say they are pretty darn good! They were holding their own against fifth grade teams.
But you see Luke, well Luke wasn't shooting the ball much. He would get the ball and pass to a team mate.
And I really do try to stay out of it as a mother. I live with a coach and basketball official, so I really do try to keep a lid on it during the games. And I really do try not to hover over my children as they play sports. But I couldn't help but notice that Luke wasn't shooting. And, well, by golly...Doug's business is called "SHOOT-IT".
So, after the game, as I drove him to a friend's house I asked him. I said, "Luke, it didn't seem like you shot much. How come?" And as seems to be the case with our middle born who rarely gets a word in - but when he does it is heartfelt and to the point - he said, "No, but I had a lot of great assists!"
And, just like that, in an instant, in my car, I was convicted!
You see, life isn't about being the best shooter. Life isn't about being the hero. Life isn't about being the all time leading scorer. It's not about how many points you can rack up.
Life is about assists!
Jesus tells us it is about laying down our life and loving one another. He tells us it is about giving, not receiving. He tells us it is about denying self, and living for others.
Wow...in Luke's heartfelt words...life is about assists!
I love my kid!
"And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." II Corinthians 5:15
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