Thursday, February 3, 2011



The Life of the Diers
What do you miss?
 Yesterday we asked Sam what he missed about Ghana besides his mom and sister. His response, "NOTHING!"  Awww....God is good!

Bible Study with Faith 
 Last night I took Faith to our local coffee shop to have a Bible study. Just the two of us!  What a precious time in the Lord with my daughter! All you moms, if you have a daughter, or even a son, I encourage you to take the time and get away with your Bibles alone with them. Our study only lasted about 15 minutes but it made my week!  

So I asked Faith, "What does it mean to be a child of God?"  
She said, "Huh?"  
I tried again, "Ok, so like Daddy is your father, what things does Daddy do for you? And then we will talk about how God does stuff for us too."  

Faith's response  was full of insight and analogy:

"Well, Daddy gives me hugs and kisses in the morning before I go to school." 
       GOD LOVES US!  Start your day with a hug from Him!
"And Daddy teaches me to play basketball."
      GOD TEACHES US! Open His playbook and learn a new skill in Him!

"And sometimes Daddy tells me when I shouldn't do something or act some way." 
     GOD DISCIPLINES US!  Be willing to listen, repent and change to be more like Him!

Luke & Legos
We recently implemented a new rule in our video games during the week, only on weekends. One of the nice side effects has been Luke really getting into his Legos again.  The other day at Target Luke asked if I would buy him some new Legos. I looked at my cart and said, "Sure, I will put away the chocolate and the new t-shirt I wanted and buy you some Legos instead because you don't always get new stuff like the other kids do." Luke looked up at me with his big brown eyes and says, "Wow! Thanks Mom! And you know, I do wear a lot of Kobe's left over clothes!"  I just had to laugh at the truth in his statement!

A moment of doubt
There has been a lot going on in my family. My parents and aunt have been battling illnesses. My close friend has been facing financial hardships, teenage daughter issues, and other major events. It feels like we have been attacked from all sides. My friend and my family members have both quoted the book of Job regularly this week. Last night it hit me...all at once...I looked at Doug and just broke down crying. The emotions took hold and although I am usually a pretty strong person, last night I couldn't stop them. And for an instant, for just an instant I doubted my God! I questioned His plan. I wondered the common wonder: "WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE?"  

And then in that same instant, God gave me clarity....

We aren't good people. We are God's people. And we are stepping out for His Kingdom. We are sharing His message of salvation. We are living out His message of love and forgiveness and giving. AND SATAN HATES IT!  Satan does not need to attack those who are doing nothing. He does not care about the unsaved one sitting high on the hog in his luxury home thinking only of himself. He is no threat to Satan's plans....but WE ARE...and thus we will be attacked. 

And then, at Smokey Row, with a coffee in hand, my eight year old daughter spoke the words I needed to hear...she opened her purple Bible and said, "Mommy how about this for our verse this week?"

God gives me strength for the battle. He makes my way perfect!"
Psalm 18:32

1 comment:

  1. ... As he went along he saw a blind man from birth. His disciples asked him, Rabbi who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?
    Neither this man or his parents sinned... said Jesus, BUT THIS HAPPENED SO THAT THE WORK OF GOD MIGHT BE DISPLAYED IN HIS LIFE.

    yep there is your answer that i know you know... it is not about any of us my sister. HIM. ALL GLORY TO HIM! i love you.


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