Friday, March 18, 2011


That's the saying that TRS uses.
It's the saying that I have clung to when I have let Satan lead me to believe that the problem is too great.
That our small acts don't matter.
That the money to get there is too great for the impact.

This was the first picture we received of Lucy.
A cast-off.

This is Lucy now...
And Doug's words about her:
"Lucy is awesome. She is just like everyone says. A bundle of joy.
The girls LOVE her. Played with her all day!"


Some more from Doug and Luke's trip:

Friday morning. Just had breakfast. The guest house is great. They have a cook for breakfast and dinner. We are on our own for lunch but seems like we won't be here much for that anyways. The kids at the center attack us each time we go over there. Kinda freaks Luke out. He just doesn't like people touching him and they ALL want to touch him. EVERYONE loves him and wants to talk to him. Been a little hard for him. But he is getting better. Pray for him. When its just one or two of them he is fine and plays with them. Its funny because even the adults all want to be his friend.

Going over to the basketball camp today and then tomorrow they are having a "friendly" basketball game. Its been fun talking hoops to a bunch of African ballers. And learning the lingo has been interesting. The coaches were trying to teach us some yesterday. All want to shake hands. The SL way of shaking hands. Saw only 2 hoops yesterday and those were the 2 we were on. The court is OK actually. Right by the National soccer stadium which holds 40,000. We got lots of pics.

The streets are always full of people. There are street vendors everywhere selling everything. Kinda wild. Osai and Quami really help a ton with getting us around so that is a blessing.

Luke wants to go to the market and spend some money. We will see how that goes. Maybe Saturday. Not sure yet when that will happen. Luke is fascinated by all the people carrying things on there head. All they are everyone. Men and women. 3 or 4 feet high of stuff on there heads. Trys to take their picture everytime. Hes been good though. Got a little overwhelmed and hot yesterday but he's good.

Read this morning Proverbs 11:25. "The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." You just feel like you want and need to help.
Have to tell you about prayer time last night at the guest house. Auntie Alice leads the teen moms each night in prayer. It was REALLY cool. The sing songs and then pray together. Amazing really. It was the baby kids and 6 adults. We all prayed and then Auntie Alice would ask question of how God was working in our lives to help teach the 2 teen moms. She is an amazing women. Pray for her. All of her faith and trust is in Jesus and loves her country.

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