Zach graduated from Central College with a degree in Elementary P.E. He was with me when we brought Lucy home from unforgettable trip for all! Zach is back in Minnesota for the summer and looking for jobs. We are hoping the one in Pella pans out cuz Lucy would love some more naps with him!
Every day God presents us with opportunities. Are you listening? Are you available? Are you willing? It just takes one step, one change, one act to live the life God intends!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Family Updates
Sam has been playing basketball with Kingdom Hoops all summer. He is in St. Louis and then finishes out the summer in Kansas City next weekend. He also loves Lucy but is no where near diaper changes!!!
Wow...what an amazing transition she has had! Sometimes we wonder if we are making much progress...just Satan trying to creep in...but then there are these reminders...

The Lord is so good! Sometimes I wonder why He chose us to live this life. There are days when I question whether I can really clean up another mess of mac and cheese, or respond to "Mama" for the nineteenth time before 9 a.m., but God's faithfulness amazes us!
He has spent his summer playing basketball in the gym. He will be playing in a tournament with some friends mid August in Minnesota. We will take the family because he gets to play in the Target Center and then attend a WNBA Minnesota Lynx game. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Lucy...puts her to bed, helps babysit, gets her milk...everything but diaper changes!!!
Luke's team won the county tournament in baseball this year. He also played on a traveling team and really improved as the season went on. He also ran a 5k at the Breda Fourth of July Celebration this year! Luke LOVES Lucy! We have a video of him at the orphanage in March where he wouldn't even touch her due to the amount of drool she transformation for Luke!
Faith decided not to do sports this summer but she has been dancing up in her room, choreographing dances to her favorite songs. She is working on a dance for Picking Violets' song to send to her favorite singers, Erica and Kelly! She ran the 5k with me in Breda too...our first one and we plan on making it an annual event! Faith also LOVES Lucy and is a HUGE help!
Wow...what an amazing transition she has had! Sometimes we wonder if we are making much progress...just Satan trying to creep in...but then there are these reminders...
- she can walk without falling over every two steps
- she can feed herself completely and get more than 90% of it in her mouth
- she can step up on the step stool to brush her own teeth
- she says "mama" and "dada"
- she knows about 20 signs from Baby Sign
- she can almost do a somersault
- she knows where her bibs, clothes, shoes, food, toys, bed all are and asks for each of them when she wants it
- she cries when I leave! :)
The Lord is so good! Sometimes I wonder why He chose us to live this life. There are days when I question whether I can really clean up another mess of mac and cheese, or respond to "Mama" for the nineteenth time before 9 a.m., but God's faithfulness amazes us!
"...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"
Joshua 24:15
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Thirteen times.
Can you imagine doing something 13 times before you see the result?
13 times of grilling a hot dog on the grill before it gets done.
13 times of turning on the TV before it actually turns on.
13 times of telling your kids to pick up their toys (ok, well maybe that one we can actually envision!)
13 times of turning your car's steering wheel to the left before it actually turns.
13 prayers to heaven
13 cries out to the Lord
Thirteen times.
The Israelites had to march around the city of Jericho 13 times before the wall fell and they took the city. I can just see poor Joshua if it were me and my family he was leading around the wall...
"Alright, seriously Joshua...are you SURE God said 13?"
"I'm many more laps?"
"Can I get wifi here while we walk?"
We are an impatient people.
We want immediate results.
We want easy access.
"I mean seriously are the God of all right? You are almighty, all powerful...13 times? Couldn't you just rip the wall down in your might and power and save us the blisters on our feet?"
That's the question I asked the kids today in our nightly devotional. Why didn't he just tear the wall down?
"To see if they would be faithful" said one of our children.
"So the people would see them" said another.
"I have no idea" said a third.
I love these responses!
Sometimes we don't understand God's plan.
We don't see the final outcome.
We don't know why we have to make the trek...
but maybe... just maybe.... it is because....
- He wants to see if we will be faithful.
- He wants others to see His glory through our path to the end.
- He just doesn't want to reveal the answer quite yet.
We ended our devo with the verse hanging on our kitchen:
Joshua 24:15
"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!"
Even when we don't understand His ways,
His plan,
or His purpose...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A penny for heaven...
She carried her little coin purse with her today.
It was in her hand, alongside her purple bible.
It sat on her lap as we began service.
And when the song began, she opened it up and pulled out a penny.
A single coin.
The lowest value.
One cent.
She walked right over to Lucy who was sitting on my lap.
Ever so gently she opened Lucy's fingers and placed that penny in her hand.
"Put this in the offering Lucy!" she whispered.
The tears started to well up in my eyes.
My little eight year old.
A heart sold out for Jesus.
But, the story doesn't end there.
"For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on." She walked back to her seat, sat down, straightened her dress.
Purse still open, she pulled out a handful of more pennies.
And when that offering plate came around, she dropped them all in.
'Nuff said....
Mark 12:44
Sunday, July 10, 2011
There's a city to serve...
Today was a good day.
Zach stopped by to spend the night with us so the kids were super excited.
Luke is enjoying time with his Nana.
I got a few minutes to catch up with a close friend.
Lucy and I planted some flowers together (Ok, I planted, she yelled "AmmA" repeatedly because she didn't want to step across the extension cord Doug has running from the fountain to the basement) Yes, that topic makes for an entirely different blog post!
At any rate, today was a good day.
By evening though, I was tired. I was sitting on the couch, almost had Lucy to sleep and the kids came barreling in, getting her all wound up. Kobe smelled because he had played baseball and tennis ball and hadn't showered. Faith smelled because she had played outside rollerblading and going through the sprinkler. And they were clamoring all over me trying to get a touch of their little sister.
I needed to get out.
I put on my running shoes and told Doug I would be back after a short jog.
You see, it's what I do. When the feeling of grief or being overwhelmed starts to settle in, I take off for a quiet run through the cemetery a few blocks from our house.
But my dad just died. And I haven't run through the cemetery since. It doesn't really make sense because my dad was cremated, so we didn't even go to a cemetery for his service. But, I just hadn't been able to go on my normal route yet.
But, tonight I did. I headed out, ipod in hand, shoes laced up, heart already racing at the thought of having 20 minutes alone with my thoughts.
And the run was good. It felt right. Until I hit the veterans memorial at the top of the hill. The tears started to well up. I could feel the wave coming over the horizon. The wave of grief, of self-pity, of being so overwhelmed you feel like you are drowning.
But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it.
A red cardinal.
Sitting on a headstone.
And there it sat until I had passed by.
And then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.
You see, when my dad was in his last hours of life, his sister shared some special time alone with him and she mentioned to him that when he got to heaven he should send her a red cardinal as a sign. Well, my family sort of laughed about this. But since that day, I have seen more red cardinals (or at least noticed them) more than any other bird!
And that red cardinal was just what I needed.
It stopped the wave in its track.
No grief.
No sorrow.
No tears.
Not today.
You see, my dad, a born-again follower of Jesus Christ, is sitting with HIM right now. He is with a multitude of angels. He is witnessing the river of life, the streets of gold, no tears, no death, no sorrow. He is with people of every tribe and every nation! He is with our LORD!
And then tonight, as I was reading Beth Moore's blog, she was writing about leaving her church family of many years to go with her daughter and son-in-law to plant a new church. Her heart was grieving the loss of the church family she had spent so much time with, but she ended with these words:
Zach stopped by to spend the night with us so the kids were super excited.
Luke is enjoying time with his Nana.
I got a few minutes to catch up with a close friend.
Lucy and I planted some flowers together (Ok, I planted, she yelled "AmmA" repeatedly because she didn't want to step across the extension cord Doug has running from the fountain to the basement) Yes, that topic makes for an entirely different blog post!
At any rate, today was a good day.
By evening though, I was tired. I was sitting on the couch, almost had Lucy to sleep and the kids came barreling in, getting her all wound up. Kobe smelled because he had played baseball and tennis ball and hadn't showered. Faith smelled because she had played outside rollerblading and going through the sprinkler. And they were clamoring all over me trying to get a touch of their little sister.
I needed to get out.
I put on my running shoes and told Doug I would be back after a short jog.
You see, it's what I do. When the feeling of grief or being overwhelmed starts to settle in, I take off for a quiet run through the cemetery a few blocks from our house.
But my dad just died. And I haven't run through the cemetery since. It doesn't really make sense because my dad was cremated, so we didn't even go to a cemetery for his service. But, I just hadn't been able to go on my normal route yet.
But, tonight I did. I headed out, ipod in hand, shoes laced up, heart already racing at the thought of having 20 minutes alone with my thoughts.
And the run was good. It felt right. Until I hit the veterans memorial at the top of the hill. The tears started to well up. I could feel the wave coming over the horizon. The wave of grief, of self-pity, of being so overwhelmed you feel like you are drowning.
But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it.
A red cardinal.
Sitting on a headstone.
And there it sat until I had passed by.
And then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.
You see, when my dad was in his last hours of life, his sister shared some special time alone with him and she mentioned to him that when he got to heaven he should send her a red cardinal as a sign. Well, my family sort of laughed about this. But since that day, I have seen more red cardinals (or at least noticed them) more than any other bird!
And that red cardinal was just what I needed.
It stopped the wave in its track.
No grief.
No sorrow.
No tears.
Not today.
You see, my dad, a born-again follower of Jesus Christ, is sitting with HIM right now. He is with a multitude of angels. He is witnessing the river of life, the streets of gold, no tears, no death, no sorrow. He is with people of every tribe and every nation! He is with our LORD!
And then tonight, as I was reading Beth Moore's blog, she was writing about leaving her church family of many years to go with her daughter and son-in-law to plant a new church. Her heart was grieving the loss of the church family she had spent so much time with, but she ended with these words:
As I folded up clothes this morning and put them in a bag and made a plan to run by Walmart, I thought to myself, “Well, old girl, there’s not a lot of time to sit around and mourn. Hop up and get on this love train. There’s a city to serve.”
There's a city to serve my sisters!
A city to serve!
We don't have time for mourning.
We don't have time for self-pity, or doubt, or frustration.
There's a city to serve sisters!
Oh Lord, I thank you for this day. I thank you for this breath you have given me. I thank you for being in every single detail of my life. I thank you for the reminder that time is short, that people are in need, that you have equipped me to do something...even something as small as sharing a plate of cookies and a bible me to serve your city! Help me to see past myself, to see the needs of others, so that they might see YOU in me!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
No Big Calling...
Katie Davis, founder of Amazima International writes:
"People tell me I am brave. People tell me I am strong. People tell me good job. Well here is the truth of it. I am really not that brave, I am not really that strong, and I am not doing anything spectacular. I am just doing what God called me to do as a follower of Him."
I can so relate to this quote.
Just today, as has been the case quite often since bringing Lucy home to live with us, I was told by someone, "Wow...what a blessing you are to her."
Sometimes it is that phrase...
other times it is:
You see, it's really just saying YES!
Saying yes to a little nudge in our hearts.
This look of a girl, whom we had never met, that I saw on a computer screen. This simple conversation with a man and his wife who were sold out for Ghana.
No big calling.
No blaring lights saying, "I AM CALLING YOU TO THIS!"
Just a nudge...the Holy Spirit...and I am more and more convinced that we miss the blessings because we keep looking for the BIG CALLING when we should simply be listening for the nudge.
What's the nudge sisters? You all have one...maybe it is the nudge to truly accept Christ as your savior? Maybe it is the nudge that has been lingering for some time. Maybe it is only just hit you as you read this post. STEP UP SISTERS! Say "yes" to the nudge...don't miss the blessings!
"People tell me I am brave. People tell me I am strong. People tell me good job. Well here is the truth of it. I am really not that brave, I am not really that strong, and I am not doing anything spectacular. I am just doing what God called me to do as a follower of Him."
I can so relate to this quote.
Just today, as has been the case quite often since bringing Lucy home to live with us, I was told by someone, "Wow...what a blessing you are to her."
Sometimes it is that phrase...
other times it is:
"Oh they are so lucky to have you as a family!"
" must be so difficult to do that."
"I could never do what you and Doug are doing."
"I just don't feel called to adopt or to bring a child to my home."
" will have a great reward in heaven."
"Weren't you nervous about bringing her home? I don't think I could do that."
You see...tonight, as I sit on the computer at 11:29 p.m. I needed to read that quote by Katie Davis. I needed to know there was someone else who could relate to what I have been feeling.
I am no more brave than anyone else.
I am fearful and afraid.
I wonder what the next year will bring for a 17 year old who came to America hoping to play at the University of Kentucky.
I wonder what the next year will bring for a 17 year old who came to America hoping to play at the University of Kentucky.
I wonder if our sweet Lucy will ever speak a word other than Mama or Dada.
I wonder how long the hospital will continue her treatments.
I get frustrated and tired and worn out.
I get nervous and anxious and concerned.
As Katie Davis reminds us...I am not really doing anything spectacular.
My days consist of driving to doctor appointments, driving to basketball practice, cleaning up mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese, squeezing in some internet time, and singing bed time songs.
Nothing extra ordinary...
just obedience.
I am simply obeying God.
You see, it's really just saying YES!
Saying yes to a little nudge in our hearts.
This look of a girl, whom we had never met, that I saw on a computer screen. This simple conversation with a man and his wife who were sold out for Ghana.
No big calling.
No blaring lights saying, "I AM CALLING YOU TO THIS!"
Just a nudge...the Holy Spirit...and I am more and more convinced that we miss the blessings because we keep looking for the BIG CALLING when we should simply be listening for the nudge.
What's the nudge sisters? You all have one...maybe it is the nudge to truly accept Christ as your savior? Maybe it is the nudge that has been lingering for some time. Maybe it is only just hit you as you read this post. STEP UP SISTERS! Say "yes" to the nudge...don't miss the blessings!
Friday, July 8, 2011
I was reading a story online about a robber who walked into a bank, slid a note to a teller and walked out with thousands and thousands of dollars. He simply woke up that morning, walked in and robbed them!
There are other stories out there too....
teenagers rob a convenience store
a little girl steals from Target
two men beat up and then steal from an elderly 85 year old woman
I remember when I was teaching and a little girl in my class stole some stickers from another student. She wouldn't fess up so we had to sit and wait. The entire class had no recess until the thief was found out. She didn't want to confess. She didn't want to be known as the one who stole.
I read those stories and think, "Well, I would NEVER do that!" or "That is so bold and so incredibly wrong!"
I mean beating up a little old grandma just to get money!
In Malachi 3:9 God tells the descendants of Jacob that they are cursed because they are thieves! They are CURSED because they are thieves!!!
Well, how could they? Whom are they robbing? Ouch....CURSED!
"You are under a curse- the whole nation- because you are robbing me! In tithes and offerings!"
They are not giving their first to the Lord. They are robbing God by taking what is not theirs. God's word is clear that our first fruits belong to HIM! And here, in this verse, He reminds us that we too are thieves! We too steal. And worse than anything...we steal from HIM!
So sisters...ask yourself the hard question...are you giving the Lord your full tithe and offering?
Every month?
With joy?
Without hesitation?
Guess what...the story gets better....
God goes on to tell the people that if they would just honor him in this, He will remove the curse and BLESS THEM ABUNDANTLY!
Did you get that my sisters?
I know in my life I have seen this verse come alive. When I give my first fruits, without hesitation....when I get my paycheck and immediately give a portion to the Lord's work...then, my storehouse fills abundantly!
Just this month I have been a witness to this verse.
I was paid. I gave my tithe. I waited.
A check came in the mail that was 100% more than my tithe....with the note attached saying, "Use this how you wish for Lucy. We have been moved by the Holy Spirit in seeing her here."
A second check came with the note, "This is for Lucy. Papa would have wanted her to have it."
And an email came saying, "This year we will plant a field of sweet corn and call it 'Lucy's field'. The profits from the sale of the corn will go toward the care of Lucy!"
TEST HIM IN THIS my sisters!
Dear Lord, I pray that I not become a thief. I pray that my greed, my insecurity, my want does not cause me to rob from you the first fruits you so deserve. Every penny Lord comes from you. Let me be reminded to give just the first to you...that's all you ask. I pray Lord that you then bless us abundantly...not so I can buy more or eat more or have more...but so I can in return give more and further glorify you!
There are other stories out there too....
teenagers rob a convenience store
a little girl steals from Target
two men beat up and then steal from an elderly 85 year old woman
I remember when I was teaching and a little girl in my class stole some stickers from another student. She wouldn't fess up so we had to sit and wait. The entire class had no recess until the thief was found out. She didn't want to confess. She didn't want to be known as the one who stole.
I read those stories and think, "Well, I would NEVER do that!" or "That is so bold and so incredibly wrong!"
I mean beating up a little old grandma just to get money!
In Malachi 3:9 God tells the descendants of Jacob that they are cursed because they are thieves! They are CURSED because they are thieves!!!
Well, how could they? Whom are they robbing? Ouch....CURSED!
"You are under a curse- the whole nation- because you are robbing me! In tithes and offerings!"
They are not giving their first to the Lord. They are robbing God by taking what is not theirs. God's word is clear that our first fruits belong to HIM! And here, in this verse, He reminds us that we too are thieves! We too steal. And worse than anything...we steal from HIM!
So sisters...ask yourself the hard question...are you giving the Lord your full tithe and offering?
Every month?
With joy?
Without hesitation?
Guess what...the story gets better....
God goes on to tell the people that if they would just honor him in this, He will remove the curse and BLESS THEM ABUNDANTLY!
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it!"
Malachi 3:10
Did you get that my sisters?
I know in my life I have seen this verse come alive. When I give my first fruits, without hesitation....when I get my paycheck and immediately give a portion to the Lord's work...then, my storehouse fills abundantly!
Just this month I have been a witness to this verse.
I was paid. I gave my tithe. I waited.
A check came in the mail that was 100% more than my tithe....with the note attached saying, "Use this how you wish for Lucy. We have been moved by the Holy Spirit in seeing her here."
A second check came with the note, "This is for Lucy. Papa would have wanted her to have it."
And an email came saying, "This year we will plant a field of sweet corn and call it 'Lucy's field'. The profits from the sale of the corn will go toward the care of Lucy!"
TEST HIM IN THIS my sisters!
Dear Lord, I pray that I not become a thief. I pray that my greed, my insecurity, my want does not cause me to rob from you the first fruits you so deserve. Every penny Lord comes from you. Let me be reminded to give just the first to you...that's all you ask. I pray Lord that you then bless us abundantly...not so I can buy more or eat more or have more...but so I can in return give more and further glorify you!
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