Friday, February 26, 2010

Prayers for Lucy

But Jesus answered them,
"You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God."
Matthew 22:29

In this portion of scripture, Jesus is responding to a question posed by the Sadducees about whose wife a woman would be at the time of resurrection. Jesus is point blank in his answer, reminding them that they have not read the scripture or understood it correctly. In effect, I believe Jesus is saying, "Do you not know who I am and what is to be accomplished in my death and resurrection here?"

My heart is joyful yet heavy today. I can not stop thinking about Lucy. As I sit in my office, she sits in the orphanage, neglected, dirty and uncared for. Recent word is that she will not be moved to The Covering. She has taken a hold of my heart as if she were my own biological child. I can see the same feelings in Doug's eyes when we talk about her or look at photos of her. My dear friend, Tina, is working tirelessly to get help to Lucy and some other children being neglected. She is fighting to get them help. She is fighting to be their advocate, to speak for them because they can not speak for themselves. BUT...The mountains are HIGH!The boundaries are GREAT!The struggle is LONG!

But Jesus answered them,
"You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God."
Matthew 22:29

And yet, this verse, sent to me today by a friend, gives me encouragement!  MY GOD IS HIGH! MY GOD IS GREAT! MY GOD IS IN CONTROL!  I am wrong if I do not claim His word, claim His promises, claim His power. So today, I am praying that He might move the mountains. I am praying that He might remove the boundaries! I am praying that He might bring her to our arms, in these circumstances that would show everyone the GLORY OF HIS POWER and NAME!

All over the World

"All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing." 
Colossians 1:6

The two pictures are so vastly different. The first is the scene out of my kitchen window in my home in Iowa. The latter is a scene as we drove through Sierra Leone, Africa. With the exception of the trees, there is not much similarity in the photos. The landscape is different. The climate is different. The culture is different. The people are different. 

And yet, the gospel is the same! Christ is evident in each place! I could see His work in both locations. I could feel His presence in both lands. I meet His people in both countries! 

God is so darn far above us! His word tells us that His gospel message will surpass all barriers. He will raise up and EVERY knee will bend one day! 

Sometimes I get concerned about the differences I see in people around me. And I get nervous about those differences. What if they think I am strange? What if we don't enjoy the same things? What if I reach out to her and then realize we are so vastly different that I can't stand to be with her?  GOD SURPASSES ALL! His gospel has no boundaries!

I must keep my focus on Christ. Keep my thoughts, eyes, and actions on His word. That will go all over the world. That will work regardless of the differences, regardless of the landscape!

Dear Lord, 
Today help me to take your Word to every end of the world. Help me to reach those who are different from me. Help me to reach those in my own community, in my own workplace, in my own home. Allow me to bear fruit and grow for the sole purpose of glorifying you!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Prayer that Sustained Me

Riding on the airplane on my way to Africa, I read the following prayer by Greg Arnold, founder of CORE 12 Ministries:

A Morning Prayer

Almighty God, I am thankful for this breath You have given me today. Guide my steps, because I can't do this on my own. Open my eyes today so I can see You and the hurting who need Your hand. Open my ears so I can hear You in the cries of the lonely and broken. Place me in Your service today, God. Give me the wisdom to say the right things. Fill me with courage to act. Don't let me stall. Remind me to follow through. Prod me to be Your hands and Your words to each life You present to me today. Through Christ's sacrifice I pray to You, Father God. 

I prayed this prayer every morning that I woke under the African sun and I will continue to pray it every morning I wake under the Iowa snow! It simply sums up what this blog is all about...we serve Him. We must be willing to act for Him. We get our courage from Him. He presents people to us every day, no matter where we are, or what our circumstances might be and it is in our power to choose to follow Him.

STEP UP SISTER! Fill the shoes and walk with Him!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back in the States!

"Love one another as I have loved you."
John 13:34  

I returned home last night and got to spend a great evening with the kids and Doug. I believe I am running on adrenaline today. Everyone continues to ask me how my trip was and I just spew out story after story, trying to give them more than the standard, "It was amazing" answer.

I thought I might be bitter today being surrounded by details that might seem irrelevant, or comments that might seem trite. But in effect, I have had an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratefulness for what God has given to me in my life. Gratefulness for the love of the people in my life, for their support and true concern over my efforts in Sierra Leone. My phone and email were blowing up today with friends and family trying to contact me to see how my trip ended. So much love and care and concern!

That is what the trip was about and that is what I want to bring back to the United States!

LOVE ONE ANOTHER!  Jesus commanded it! John reminded us of it! 

We don't have to go to Africa to love! We can love right here in our own home, our own community, our own workplace! God allowed me the experience of meeting the wonderful, amazing people of Sierra Leone, but as I loved on them, I must come home and give the same love to everyone in Pella, Iowa! What a hypocrite I would be if I reached out and wiped the nose of Lucy, touched the hand of Matilda, and clutched the fingers of Shariff and then came home and responded in disqust or frustration to my husband, my own children, my students and colleagues! 


Simple step...amazing results!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Random Photos

No toys so the little boy is using a stick to roll a wheel frame!
He was REALLY good at it!

CHORES in Sierra Leone

Clothes drying

Why they need us....this little girl has a hernia.

These pictures are not rare in Sierra Leone, but rather something I see in every section of town!

STEP UP Today!!!

I wanted to share in pictures why it is so important for each of us to STEP UP and sponsor a child...

Yesterday we visited a refugee camp that was established during the war that began in 1991 in Sierra Leone. This is a portion of a home where several children were living with their father. The Raining Season was contacted because the father did not feel like he could care for the children. Last trip here, Erica, Tina and the team went to this community and did an intake much like the one we did for Shariff. 

They brought the children to The Covering, gave them food, love, a bed and shared Christ's love with them. Several people STEPPED UP and sponsored these children. For some it was a huge sacrifice. For some it simply meant giving up a couple latte's each week. Regardless, they checked the box and said, "I will Step Up! I will do it!"

Here is one of those children today at our hotel playground.

And here is her sponsor surrounded with their love!

And finally, look at what just a day at The Covering did for our little Shariff....

Please, take it from me, every penny is put to work here at The Raining Season! And who knows, maybe next year you will be the person here in Sierra Leone meeting your sponsored child!!! 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Still awake in Africa

Before I doze off here...I have already committed to God that when I get back to the USA I will try to establish some speaking opportunities to share my experiences and raise awareness and funds for these children. If you would be interested in having me speak to your group or church, please let me know! The stories are amazing!


Late Night Here

Hi everyone,
 It is late here...almost 1 am and actually is now officially Tina's birthday! Happy Birthday to my dear friend!

Thank you for the prayers today especially related to Lucy and Moses. Tomorrow Tina and Jason will meet with a lady who has the power to move those two children to The Covering. Pray for her heart to be softened and her hands to act! Thank you sincerely for all of the verses. They sustained me today, even as we drove past the orphanage where they are and could not stop!

Today we heard an amazing story of a man who started caring for children during Sierra Leone's civil war. The kids were young then and have been with him since that day so many are now teens or in college. It was a really cool place being run by a really strong Christian man!

Later we visited what is known as Grafton Refugee camp. This camp was set up during the war. It was amazing to see the original tents, all tattered and torn, still being used by people today! All of the children were yelling something along the lines of "Ad-a-ma". When we asked what it meant, Osseh told us WHITE MAN! Jason had all the kids in one area singing "Father Abraham". It was so cool! As we were getting ready to get into the car one little girl ran up to me, grabbed my hand and said, "Can I have your phone number?" Oh...again, just melts your heart!

The best part of the night though was getting to hear Quami's salvation story. I will give you a condensed version. He was a young boy when his father died. He was raised in a Muslim home. Some evangelistic missionaries came to the area and his older brother started attending an after school bible activity without his mother's knowledge. His brother came home one day and told them all he had become a Christian. His mother began starving him. Later Quami also started attending and accepted Christ as his savior, growing in the Word and become strong for Christ.

When the war hit the area Quami was working for a Christian organization, keeping track of all of their donations in a warehouse. His friend and him had bunkered down in the warehouse for about week when they decided to venture to their families. They came across a rebel soldier who wanted to know who they were. They tried to explain that they were just peaceful citizens but the soldier took them to a building, partially stripped them, and bound their arms behind their back. There were two other young men also bound there. The rebel told them he was going to execute them. Quami tells of trying to reach his id to place it in the front of his pants so when someone found the body they would know who he was. He said he simply began reciting a verse from God's word,  praying to be saved but accepting that He knew of his assurance of heaven in the event he was killed. Within 15 minutes the rebel came in, untied him and his friend and told them to leave. The other two men were executed. From that moment he knew God had a special plan for his life which he is seeing play out in his work with the orphaned children from the war. WOW! You could have heard a pin drop as he shared his testimony!

So...tonight, my words are not about the children. My words are directed at you. Do you know the saving love of Jesus? Do you know of your assurrance in heaven if you were to die today? Quami did and it gave him peace in such a terrible moment. You can have it to. Just admit that you have sinned, that Christ died for those sins, and you will be saved!

Sorry no pictures tonight, but it is really late and I am really tired. I promise more tomorrow! Oh yeah...get this, Quami played in a basketball tourney that had come to Freetown when he was a teen. He said he scored 34 points in his first ever game! God is making connections! Looks like we might be fundraising for a basketball court at The Covering!!! :)

Pictures of the Team

Tina with Sharif's grandmother

Jason with the chief of Kroo Bay


Tom & Karen providing me comfort as I hold my Lucy for the first time!

Jen, Todd, the Chief of Waterloo, Karen, Richard, and two tribal council members

Andrew surrounded by children! A common thing!!!

Todd, Foday, Tracy, Richard and Karen

The team

God's Team

Our Team (I just got the call that we are heading out, so I will try to post a picture of the team later!) They mean the world to me!!!
Jason: He and his wife adopted from SL in a time of complete struggle to get children and then took their own hard earned money to start The Raining Season. He is a funny, light hearted, with a child like spirit who is totally sold out for Christ. He loves the country and people of Sierra Leone as much as he loves Elvis! He is a man with a vision who knows that with God in the lead, he can break every barrier to help these children and families. He does it with kindness, love and humor, always having a lollie and a song for the children. Jason must hold the same characteristics as David, Daniel and Paul!

Tina: Joined Jason and Erica in the fight for these children after having adopting two of them from the country. Tina works tirelessly, 24-7, without monetary reimbursement and will be the first to give all glory to God for His provision and blessings. She has inspired me in so many ways since reconnecting with her. She will be a life long friend and sister in Christ!

 Karen: This woman simply inspires me. She quit a high paying career based on a whisper from God to begin to drill water wells in Africa! check out her amazing work through Just Hope International. Karen has the most amazing stories and has a simple, honest heart that just draws me to her. She will be a mentor and friend for life! And yesterday, she guaranteed a young woman a college education by taking the step to say, "Yes, I will help!"

Andrew: Andrew and his wife saw three smiling faces on The Raining Season website and decided to attempt to adopt from a country where there is currently an adoption ban. They are claiming God's promises to care for these children and despite knowing others might question their decision to move forward, they are standing firm on His promises! Someday I hope Andrew's family and my family will be reunited in SL to bring children into our homes!

Tom: This man saw a newspaper article about The Raining Seasaon and took that STEP. He made the phone call. He brought Tina and Erica to Las Vegas, where he lives, and is now in the process of making the next step of involving his entire congregation in the work here!  One simple step...pick up the phone and call.

Tracy: Tracy and his wife live in Tennessee and heard Jason and Erica talk about their work in Africa. They decided to become involved although they did not know what they would offer. Tracy has offered such a kind heart, a tender spirit, a knowledge of researching and detail that is hard to describe. God knew what he had to offer and is using it abundantly here!

Richard: a banker from Tennessee who has joined in Karen's work with JustHopeInternational. He could have stayed in his comfortable home, just living a comfortable life but he chose to take a step. Richard takes most of the pictures and videos you see. He has such an honest heart and quiet demeaner, taking it all in and quietly bringing us a firm stabiility as our emotions fluctuate with the wind.

Todd: A pastor who continually tells us that he can not preach! His words bring comfort and encouragement to me daily! His knowledge of God's word is inspiring and Todd applies it in every situation we encounter. Todd and I continue to share "surreal" moments like walking through the African bush with a tribal chief and meeting a chief in a tiny hut in Kroo Bay. He always has a child on his arm and is the true outpouring of Jesus' command to "go and make disciples in every nation"!

Osseh: This man serves as the logistical director for The Raining Season. He has been our guide and director from the very moment we stepped foot in Africa. He is calm, comforting and extremely knowledgable about his country. His wife is a nurse and he has two beautiful boys. Osseh credits accepting Christ in His life as the greatest moment for him. He not only directs us around town, but also directs our efforts towards the Lord.

Quami: Jason continues to joke that "Uncle Todd" wants to wrestle "Uncle Quami" because Quami has a muscular frame that provides a protective love to the children of The Covering. Tracy tells us that Quami is his new hero! This man is so professional, organized and competent. I can only imagine the experiences he has had living in a war torn country like Sierra Leone, but he is resilient and strong. His powerful presence is only made more powerful by his tenderness and patience when working with the children and his continual praise of our almighty Jesus Christ!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The power of God in The Raining Season

Today was another incredible day. We started at The Covering just playing with the kids and doing activities with them. It is so fun to learn their games and customs and to be able to teach them ours. I took lots of video of them singing, dancing and playing games to share with everyone. At one point Pastor Daniel had out his African drum and the kids were all standing in a circle, singing to Jesus as one child danced in the middle. They have such culture and love. Several of us on the team wondered if our children would stand in a cement building with just a drum, dancing and singing to Jesus for over an hour!

Later in the day we got to be a part of what the orphanage calls an intake process. Quami and Osseh had already been in touch with the family as had the social worker for The Raining Season. By the way, these are three of the most committed men to Christ and children I have ever seen! They simply amaze me!

So we travel across town and stop on a busy road. Just across the road we see the makeshift flats for houses. This is common. We then walk down a rocky, trash filled area to meet the boy and his grandmother. The boy is so scared. He is hiding behind his grandmother's leg. Jason hands him a "lollie" or "sweets" as the kids call them here. The social worker tells me that the boys' mother died during childbirth as did the infant. Sharif has been living with his grandmother and two other siblings since that time. At this point the grandmother decides to show us where they have been living so we traverse back up the rocky hill, across the street and begin walking a steep dirt alley type hill. The people are so poor. When we finally make it to their home, it is nothing more than one room with a filthy mattress on the floor and a broken white plastic lawn chair. All five of them sleep on that one mattress. The room is no bigger than a bathroom. Sharif has been picking up rocks and has several open wounds on his hands that are partially healed but oozing.

Upon arriving there, Sharif is in the home and the social worker asks me if I want to enter it to see inside. I do so and my heart just cries out for this child and his grandmother. His eyes are so big. I can see the fear. I lean near him and just begin speaking of the love of Jesus in his ear. I tell him that he is loved by Jesus. That he is loved by us. That we are here to help him. That we will get him food and water. He nods his head yes as I just whisper these things over and over again to him.

As we begin to leave their home and make our way back to the original encampment area, his grandmother opens her arms to hug me. Tears fill her eyes. The love it must take to admit that you can not physically provide for your grandson. The love it must take to say, "Here take my grandson. You help him." When you look into a person's eyes, you can see that love. She clung so tightly to me. I did not let go but again just reminded her that we would take good care of him and that she is loved.

Finally, after arriving back at the original area, Quami and the social worker go through the process of confirming that these are the wishes of the grandmother and of Sharif. Quami speaks to them in their native language of Krio. At one point the grandmother shakes her head. She is crying and holding my hand. I give her a kleenex and have to show her how to use it to dab her eyes! The tears then just overflow. And then Sharif gets up and takes Quami's hand. Quami tells us that he had said to him, "If you want to come with us, we will provide for you. We will give you a bed. We will give you food. We will give you water. You will have brothers and sisters and aunties and uncles in this new home. If you want to come with us, get up and come with me!" Oh...the tears in my heart over the choice this little six year old just made...the step he took!!!

As we walk up the rocky embankment and out across the street, Sharif grabs my hand. He stays by my side until the social worker takes his hand to lead him to his car and bring him to the promised refuge of The Covering!

Waiting by the car, many children gather to see the "white people". I begin playing a game with the little girls, telling them to touch their head, touch their nose etc. I tell them to reach for the sky and then lightly tickle them as their hands are in the air. They all giggle the most beautiful giggles I have ever heard. As we are about to leave to return and welcome Sharif to The Covering, two little girls look me right in the eyes and say, "I want to come with you too!" My heart melted!!

Later we welcomed Sharif to The Covering. He arrived to wonderful open arms, where fabulous Christian men and women cleaned him and gave him food and water. Osseh went to pick out clothing for him and came back with a pair of blue shorts and a gray baseball t-shirt. The exact items my son Luke had donated to kids in Africa as I packed for this trip!!! Again, my heart melted at God's love!

Sharif was still scared. He was in a new place, with new people. He stayed by me for some time. At one point he wanted to go to his new bed. I walked alone with him to the room where he climbed up onto his bunk bed. I grabbed a picture of Doug and I that I had brought and showed it to him, pointing that it was me in the picture. I then took a piece of tape and attached it to the wall by his bed and the smile he gave me was the most incredible smile I had ever seen. I attached one more picture of Kobe, Luke and Faith and again he smiled!


Jesus commanded us to love one another as He loves us. Simple.

Please continue to pray for our Lucy. I have not gotten to go back and see her. There is a very very small possibility that she and some other children could be moved out of the orphanage they are in. I believe God can do this! I am praying that He will do it NOW while I am here! But regardless I will trust in His ways!

The kids at The Covering writing and drawing. Today was a holiday and a day off of school but they love writing and drawing so much they wanted to do it anyway!

The home where Sharif's mother and infant died during childbirth and where he was living with his grandmother and two siblings. Mattress, broken chair, two buckets, maybe five items of clothing total...that sums up their personal belongings!!

Speaking sweet Jesus to Him!

Their house...only the white part!

Sharif in Luke's donated t-shirt at The Covering!

Other updates:

no word on getting Lucy moved. Continue to pray for God's provision for her. She does not EVER leave my mind!!!!

Little Jeneba follows me everywhere at The Covering. I have given her the nickname "shadow". She is adorable and I absolutely love her. Today I said, "Oh if I could just take you home with me, then we could get you to smile!" Todd, a fellow team member said, "What is that about seven who are going home with you now?" :)

A fellow team member, Karen, has stepped up and is sponsoring Matilda's oldest daughter, Olive, so she can go to college!!!!

Geraldine's family traveled miles to come see us and thank us in person for the donation to save her life and give her surgery! All glory was given to God! husband got boys play off games to officiate!!!!!!!! :)

Love you all!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some pictures finally!

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Wiping her face...

Tina and I with the kids from the Waterloo Bush area. They knew their ABC's and giggled when I sang the last part of it, "Now I know my ABC's..."

A home

Look LUKE!!!!

The amazing woman with HIV/AIDS & Tuberculosis

Two girls walking to school. It is normal for the children to walk 7 miles each way to school and then have to walk 2 miles each way at lunch to get water from a well. They have such strong spirits! Education is key!
Not all of the work is hard! :)

Difficult to make out but this is people washing in the garbage infested river...this is not Kroo Bay...just non-slum life in Freetown!

Another day of amazement

Today was another day filled with amazing happenings. If you read the blog at you will get some of the details from one of my team members. I will try to give my version and my thoughts.

Psalm 25:1 says, "To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God" Every day over and over while I am here, I am witnessing the truth of this scripture.

We visited Kroo Bay  today. It is something my brain could not have even imagined. This is a village that is built right near the ocean on top of a garbage dump. The river running through the village is full of garbage. Pigs rummage through it and the people get their water from it. Children play in it. The stench is something I can not describe. For several on the team, it was so unimaginable that they could not even look or take pictures. It is something you can not even fathom! But as I sat in the meeting with the chief of the village, I could not even hear what he was saying. I could only focus on a young mother sitting just outside the building with her infant daughter. That mother held her daughter, wrapping her arms around her tightly. The baby looked up in her mother's eyes and the mother smiled. This young mother then realized I was watching her and when I smiled at her both the baby and her smiled back at me. The mother was so proud of her baby. She must have been so thrilled as I just sat staring at her beautiful baby. And in that moment, I knew why God had brought me here. In that moment I realized what God meant when he told us that we are all His people.

You see this mother loves her child in the same way I love Kobe, Luke and Faith. She must have the same hopes, dreams and wants for this little girl. She wraps her arms around her baby the same way I will when I get home to Iowa. She smiles when her child looks into her eyes. And God loves her and her baby the same way He loves me.
For reasons I may never understand, this mother lives in this horrendous inhumane place. She washes her baby in water that a pig has rummaged through. She lives in a shack that is flooded to waist high during the raining season. She has no furniture, no toys, no diapers, no bottles, no food. And God gave me the means to help! I don't know why. I sometimes ask God why me? It is easy to see a place like Kroo Bay and become completely overwhelmed. The problem is so vast. The suffering is so deep. But I now know that this suffering exists and I am choosing to do something about it. I am taking just a small step. I can't clean up all of  Kroo Bay. I can't change the entire situation.  But I can buy some pillows for some kids at an orphanage who don't have any right now. I can teach the staff how to dispense children's tylenol. I can ready the place in the event the orphaned children of Kroo Bay end up at The Covering.  I am choosing to obey my God and know that His plan will see me through. I have no idea of knowing if that mother saw God's love in me with my smile but I do know that I saw God in her!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just read your comments

Ok..just read some of your comments! Thank you all sincerely. The emotions while here are so hard to describe and it is truly so difficult to put into words. I can not wait to share all the details of our trip but we have to be cautious right now. Thank you for the scripture calms my soul! Just knowing you are all reading means so much. Really do check out the other blog for pictures. They should be posting some soon. Just know that no matter who you see in the picture, even if it is not me, I am right there with them!

PS...there is another trip in May in case anyone is feeling God's tug!!!!! :)

The Highs and Lows

Thank you all for praying! I can feel the prayers coming to my spirit and believe me today I needed them!  It was such a crazy day!  We started by visiting a certain area outside of Freetown where The Raining Season wants to build. We met with an African tribal chief and his people! It was crazy! They then took us to this area and we walked down a dirt road to see the land. I was like, "Wow! I am in Africa. In the bush, following a tribal chief!" There were small children who followed us. I sang the ABC's with them and they giggled at us. It was so fun. We then met with the man who would be equivalent to our speaker of the house in the United States. He proceeded to invite us to dinner with the PRESIDENT OF SIERRA LEONE on Friday and then out for dinner with him!  WOW! God is moving people and planning so far ahead of us.

Later in the day I was able to meet the little girl that we sponsor.  I can't post pictures right now. Just know we are safe and God is working and we need urgent prayer over her! Please lift her up in prayer right now and the other children with her. As I approached her, she was simply filthy. Nothing like I have eveer seen in my life. For a split second I thought, "Oh my. I can't do this." And God gently whsipered, "You are my hands and feet. Do not fear!" I went to her and she held her arms out to me. She walked to me with my assistance and I picked her up and wiped her face, hands and nose. It was amazing. She is very alert although has desperate need right now! I just wept to our Savior today knowing that either He will sustain her or she will be in heaven with Him if she does not live!

I can not express to you the emotions I am feeling here. There is such need. God has people on the ground doing His work. Quami and Osseh are two wonderful Christian men who work for The Raining Season. God is working but we must help!  Today the  chief administrator and tribal chief pleaded for us to assist their district! They simply are so poor they can not even help themselves! My mind and heart have been transformed.

Also, please pray for a teen girl named Ami and her father and mother. There is a huge spiritual battle going on in their lives. God provided the opportunity to pray with them and share His love. Pray that He will soften their hearts.

When I got to my room tonight, got on my knees and wept to Christ, He comforted me with the words from Psalm 92:6-7 "The senseles man does not know, fools do not understand, that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be forever destroyed."

Thank you so much for your continued prayer! It means so much. I think Erica is posting pictures to the save the orphan blog so check that out too!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A couple of pictures!

Me with some of the boys of The Coveirng!

The little one who will not smile but stole my heart!


All the Children at The Covering Orphange for our Welcoming Ceremony!

It is tough to put into words all that transpired today. I want to upload pictures to tell the story but the internet connection is not good and it is not working. Be sure to check as Erica might have been able to get some pics up.

We got to meet the children and staff at The Covering today. It was amazing. The love of Christ is so evident in the kids and the staff!  EVERYONE there just shines Christ! Jill's scripture about being blessed was so evident while we were there. I knew blessings would be flowing from all directions and it was so true today. We were able to give the kids and staff all of the donations and they just loved each and everyone! They were jump roping and showing off their new shoes and water bottles. They sing like crazy! It is the most lovely sound in the world! One of their songs spoke of them knowing they were happy, loved and SAVED! Believe me, my children will be leanring to memorize more scripture and sing to Jesus upon my return to the United States!

Another amazing thing that happened today was we traveled through part of the city to a hospital especially for people with tuberculosis and leprosy. It is right in the  name of the hospital. Now this looks nothing like our hospitals. The poverty is incredible! We were able to visit a lady named Matilda who is dying from AIDS and also has TB. We laid hands on her and prayed with her. I couldn't help but think of the stories on Jesus laying hands on the lepers. This was real life Bible! We just hugged on her and gave her hope. However she has no idea what she did for each of us in the process! She knows Christ as savior and is not afraid to die.

Traveling through the city was incredible. It looks much like what you see on TV about Haiti. Very similar to those images. The people are so poor yet have such hope!

There is a little girl at the orphanage who has pulled on my heart already. Her name is Jeneba (not sure if I am spelling it right). She does not smile ever when white people are around. She came to me and wanted to be held. She just clung to me. She is about 3 years old. She still didn't smile but she looks at me with these huge eyes! Honestly I would take any of them home if I could. The twins are doing great Teske and Osseh, who works at the orphanage and is a fabulous Christian man, is wanting to adopt them!!! This is huge! He would be such a good father to them! They are looking so much more healthy, although the need is still great for them and all of the children! I have seen first hand what sponsoring a child can do!

I have not gotten to the orphanage where Lucy is yet. That may come tomorrow or the next day. I am a bit nervous about it and yet can not wait to hold her. Because she is not in The Raining Season orphanage we will have to be a bit more cautious in our interacitons. Just pray that the meeting with the minister of social welfare results in being able to get her and some other children moved to The Covering.

Internet connection is not the best, but I will try to continue to blog. Can't promise pictures right now or fancy type etc. We are just happy to have electriciy and hot water! It is amazing what we can live without. I am really being convicted while here.

Oh...the team I am with is AWESOME! Incredible Christian men and women just following in obedience. We are simply wanting to show Christ through our serving of these people here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I made it to Africa

Hi all,
 We made it to Africa. I am with a fabulous team from across the United States. I actually am quite humbled by the talent and level of obedience to God in the other team members!  There are three women and seven men. We are in great hands here in Africa. It was late when we arrived, so we haven't seen much of Freetown yet. We will be going to the orphanage in the morning and I get to help give the children all the wonderful donations you all provided. Hope to blog more tomorrow night. Be sure to also check out for updates!

Thank you for all the continued prayer! 


Saturday, February 13, 2010

I called you...

"So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him."  Luke 5:11

Last night after school the kids wanted to just hang out with me. They knew today would be the day that I would be leaving for a week. We grabbed a movie and just cuddled on the couch together, eating popcorn and just being together.

This morning as I told each one good bye and how much I loved them, tears filled my eyes. For a split second, I thought, "Why am I doing this? Why am I leaving my comfortable home, my kids, my husband to travel across the country to a land I don't know with people I have not met?"  And softly, God said, "I called you!"  That's why. That's the only reason.

He called his disciples in the same way. They had been fishing. They hadn't had any success. Then along came Jesus who told them to cast again. The boats overflowed. The nets were full. Life was in an instant good! And that is when Simon Peter fell at the feet of our savior and said, "I will go! I will leave everything. Leave the overflowing nets. I will follow your call!"

"I called you!" It is what pulls me to tell my children and husband goodbye. It is what gives me the courage to go through customs, to fly alone, to live with people in a foreign land. "I called you."

I made a commitment that if He called, I would go. If Jesus whispers in my heart, or shouts from the this, go here, follow me...then I will obey. Nothing more, nothing less. Fear...yes. Anticipation of the unknown...absolutely. Courage to follow through because I know the one who has already gone before me....NO DOUBT!

What is He calling you to today? To simply accept His forgiveness and enter eternal life with Him? To step out of your comfort zone? To stay right where you are? Answer His call my friend! Answer His call!

Pics and video to come once we get in Africa! Not much to photograph in the Des Moines airport! :)Keep praying! I appreciate every single one of your prayers!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


"One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he
should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be
enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered."

What a convicting verse! If we give freely, we will have blessing. If we withhold, we will suffer WANT. WOW! I think this verse sticks out to me today because I have been so blessed by people donating to the trip to Sierra Leone. Just going out and buying extra to give to others, or pulling cash from their wallets to give to those children they have never even met! Even in a time of recession in our country, God's people are giving freely!

I am convicted because there have been times in my life when I have thought, "Well, we just can't afford to give right now." And I have withheld in giving. And do you know what...just as this verse says, I have wanted that month. But God's word is true. God's word is never failing. And the months that Doug and I give freely, without worry, but with faith that our God will take care of our needs, we are so blessed!

Might we give without reservation today...time, talent, prayer, money...whatever you have...give freely today!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Supplies Needed for Sierra Leone

Here it is...what we are trying to take with us in Feb...Email me if you have questions or want me to come and pick up supplies from you!

Genesis 22:14, "On the mountain of the Lord, it will be provided!" 

Dum Dum pop suckers
medical supplies
band aids and antibiotic cream
children and adult multi vitamins
primary school paperback books
art supplies

Sitting in the Back Seat!

Today was one of those days when you just sit back and think, "Wow! God really is in the driver's seat. I am so just sitting in the back seat on this ride!" 

My family has had the blessing of being involved with The Raining Season, an organization that supports orphaned children in Sierra Leone. I am so fortunate to be traveling there later this month and have been in the process of collecting supplies to take with me. 

Yesterday my sister-in-law called to tell me that her family would be sending a sum of money to help with the trip. I told her to make the check to The Raining Season so they could designate the money for their most urgent needs. 

Today, I called my friend at the organization to encourage her with this pledged donation amount. When I told her the amount of the check that would be sent, she simply cried! 

You see, God is in the driver's seat...we are just riding along!  My friend at The Raining Season had been praying for a specific need, for a specific amount of money to be donated!  THE CHECK MATCHES THE NEED EXACTLY!!!

My first blog post is dedicated to my sister-in-law who simply stepped up! Her family could have used the money for any number of things: new clothing, a trip for themselves, new shoes, more latte's...whatever. But instead they decided to step up, step out and simply give! She has no idea how much her simple act in Iowa will impact the children and families so many miles away from her in Sierra Leone, Africa!