Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Highs and Lows

Thank you all for praying! I can feel the prayers coming to my spirit and believe me today I needed them!  It was such a crazy day!  We started by visiting a certain area outside of Freetown where The Raining Season wants to build. We met with an African tribal chief and his people! It was crazy! They then took us to this area and we walked down a dirt road to see the land. I was like, "Wow! I am in Africa. In the bush, following a tribal chief!" There were small children who followed us. I sang the ABC's with them and they giggled at us. It was so fun. We then met with the man who would be equivalent to our speaker of the house in the United States. He proceeded to invite us to dinner with the PRESIDENT OF SIERRA LEONE on Friday and then out for dinner with him!  WOW! God is moving people and planning so far ahead of us.

Later in the day I was able to meet the little girl that we sponsor.  I can't post pictures right now. Just know we are safe and God is working and we need urgent prayer over her! Please lift her up in prayer right now and the other children with her. As I approached her, she was simply filthy. Nothing like I have eveer seen in my life. For a split second I thought, "Oh my. I can't do this." And God gently whsipered, "You are my hands and feet. Do not fear!" I went to her and she held her arms out to me. She walked to me with my assistance and I picked her up and wiped her face, hands and nose. It was amazing. She is very alert although has desperate need right now! I just wept to our Savior today knowing that either He will sustain her or she will be in heaven with Him if she does not live!

I can not express to you the emotions I am feeling here. There is such need. God has people on the ground doing His work. Quami and Osseh are two wonderful Christian men who work for The Raining Season. God is working but we must help!  Today the  chief administrator and tribal chief pleaded for us to assist their district! They simply are so poor they can not even help themselves! My mind and heart have been transformed.

Also, please pray for a teen girl named Ami and her father and mother. There is a huge spiritual battle going on in their lives. God provided the opportunity to pray with them and share His love. Pray that He will soften their hearts.

When I got to my room tonight, got on my knees and wept to Christ, He comforted me with the words from Psalm 92:6-7 "The senseles man does not know, fools do not understand, that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be forever destroyed."

Thank you so much for your continued prayer! It means so much. I think Erica is posting pictures to the save the orphan blog so check that out too!


  1. Hey Jen, as I read your blog so many emotions come through me..I think of you my dear sister there witnessing and feeling these emotions first hand! You will come home a changed woman, mother, wife, professor, friend, daughter and sister...what an amazing journey the Lord is taking you on, HE is in control we only need to obey - as you have said. I think of your light shining among those children and ppl of Sierre Leone, and the verses from Matthew come to mind

    "You are the light of the world. a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl, instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same , let your light shine among men , that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven" Matthew 5:14-16

    After I read your blog I simply sat there, not knowing what to write back, and then I prayed and asked that he lead me to the words that will fill you up and give you hope..

    He led me to 2Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance" am praying for Ami and her mom and dad....

    And little Lucy, oh what a moment that must have been.. I envisioned her coming to you as our God says to come to him (as children do)....he gave you strength when you thought you had none...she came to you as we are to go to HIM...that is just sooo awesome! I love you .. keep pressing through - our prayers are constant...

  2. Thank you Anne and Jill. My eyes are tearing up reading the verses you share. Today we are off to the center and then to see one of the most poverty stricken parts of the WORLD...Kroo Bay. Tina says it will be absolutely overwhelming. Later we have a meeting with the minister of social welfare. Pray for his heart to be softened and his courage to be lifted to make change in the country. It is absolutely heart wrenching to think that our little Lucy will die, but it was completely preventable had the people been willing to ACT!

    God IS good. God IS good. God IS good. It is the actions and choices made by fallen man that cause this. I will sing the praises of my Savior just like those sweet children. Erica should have lots of pictures posted today! Love you both and hope some day you can both come experience this joy and sorrow with me first hand!

  3. Isaiah 41:9-10
    ...I took you from the ends of the earth, from its furthest corners I have called YOU.
    I said... YOU ARE MY SERVANT!
    I HAVE CHOSEN YOU and have not rejected you.
    I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND! xo Praying for you and the team and all who you may encounter!

  4. just wanted you to know I was thinking of you at this moment, praying for you as you embark on Kroo Bay.. Praying for the minister of social welfare and your meeting with him. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" Psalm 119:105 His word will not come back void, it will fill you when you are overwhelmed, it will sustain you when you have no strength, it will bring tears to your eyes when you thought you had no more to fall, it will bring joy to your heart when u thought all joy was lost... keep pressing on! love to you.


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