Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It is April in Iowa. The tulips in our town are popping through the ground, the trees are budding, and the birds have started to wake me in the morning with their chirping. (Ok...really my kids wake me in the morning, but the birds are chirping after Luke and Faith pile on me!)

But it has been cold. Today, as a matter of fact, parts of Iowa got snow!  SNOW! In April! Yikes!  Nobody likes that. Nobody wants 40 degree weather when we are ready for 70 degrees. Nobody wants to wear mittens and hats when we are ready for capris and flip-flops! 

So, there have been grumblings. The students are grumbling. The kids are grumbling. The check out ladies are grumbling. We are grumbling.

"Uhh...this weather!"
"When is it going to get nice out?"
"How much more winter do we have to put up with?"
"I am sooo ready for the sun!"


You see, this isn't expected. We expect April to bring rain and even thunderstorms, but not cold weather and snow! So, this, this 40 degree stuff is just not expected. It is out of the ordinary. It is different. It is not within our range of comfort or understanding for April.

And...I would say...although I might get pummeled by those who know me in town...GOD HATES OUR GRUMBLING!

He tells us in His word to be thankful for all circumstances. He tells us to praise His name, no matter what we go through. He tells us that He is faithful and His plan is perfect. He tells us that His ways are not our ways! So, in the midst of it all, the last thing we should do is GRUMBLE!

Isn't that what happened to the Israelites? They got off track? They were taken out of their comfort zone? They were presented with something they weren't used to? And they grumbled! 

"In the desert the whole community grumbled against Aaron and Moses."
Exodus 16:2

And you see, Moses and Aaron deflect it and respond by saying,

"You are not grumbling against us, but against the Lord!"
Exodus 16:8b

And guess what?  God hears. God acts. God does something to stop the grumbling. But the kicker is, He doesn't necessarily do it because of the grumbling, or even because He wants to bring comfort to His people. Rather He does it for one very specific reason....

"Then you will know that I am the Lord your God!"
Exodus 16:12b


He always has been. He is today. He always will be.

Despite our circumstances. Despite our discontent. Despite our lack of faithfulness.

God is God! He just is.

So, continue to grumble?

Not me...  instead...   I will choose to be thankful...to honor Him....to trust Him...to believe Him...

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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