Today, like many other days, I left my house and drove a block down the road to the small drive-through coffee shop. I love that place. Good coffee. Smiling faces. Drive through!
As I left and turned the corner to go down the alley, I noticed two chubby gray birds sitting side by side on the cement, smack in the middle of the alley. They were cuddled next to each other. Just sitting. Still as could be.
I began to wonder if maybe one of the birds was hurt. I couldn't see any physical ailment, but my mind wondered, questioning why the birds weren't flying off.
I drove my car to the very side of the alley, just missing the birds as I passed by. When I reached the end of the alley, I paused before going on to work to turn and see that the two birds still sat together, not moving.
Have you ever read the story in Exodus chapter 17?
It reminds me of these birds.
Joshua is fighting the army of Amalek and every time Moses keeps his arms up the Israelites win. But when he lowers his arms, they begin to lose. But you see, Moses gets tired.
Can you blame him? Try it...hold your arms long can you stand there like that?
But...along come his friends...Aaron & Hur come along side him and help. They don't leave his side! They bring him a stone to sit on and help hold his arms up until the battle is won!
I don't know why, but the birds weren't leaving each other today.
They were sitting wing to wing, beak to beak and not moving!
In life, we sometimes have friends like that. Family members.
When the tough times come, when the celebrations occur...they are there.
Wing to wing. Beak to beak.
But you know what, there is someone else like that.
He will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
He is always faithful. (1 Corinthians 1:9)
God is with us forever...wing to wing. Beak to beak.
That's awesome. Love it.