Wednesday, June 8, 2011

7 days... last post was seven days ago. Time flies! 

I am the crazy busy mother of five!  It is weird to even put that in writing...five children. From thinking about a future high school graduation to potty's no wonder my husband is getting salt and pepper gray hair!

Well, it seems words for the blog have been difficult to come by. Not that aren't stories to tell...not that there aren't verses to share...not that there isn't laughter among the grief...

It's just...well...lately the words haven't been coming...

...maybe it is because I am spending more time sweeping, doing laundry, playing peek-a-boo, etc....

...maybe it is because despite being the happiest week of our lives in bringing little Lucy home, it was also one of the most devastating in saying an Earthly goodbye to my father...

...maybe it is because when death hits your family you tend to re-evaluate...what is life about? what is the meaning? why are we here?

...maybe it is because once you start to truly follow God and "step up", there is little time for much else, including writing about it...

I don't know...but I do know that my head and my heart have been stuck on one verse for the past seven days...
John 3:30

Step up my dear sisters.
Life might get crazy.
The laundry might pile up.
There might not be words to describe it.
But...STEP UP...and let God handle the consequences!

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