Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The little things in life...

There are some things in life that are soooo little but just SOOO BIG all at the same time...

My husband taking Lucy to occupational therapy today so I could have a few minutes with only three children in the house!

My sister rearranging just the hutch in my kitchen but enough to spur me into action outside where some cleaning was needed!

Faith getting Lucy dressed in the morning so I can read my devo and gulp down some coffee!

The picture of my 12 year old learning to fish with his uncle and cousin!

A friend door bell ding-donging us with ding-dong snacks and seeing the smiles on my kids' faces.

A seventeen year old emptying the dishwasher without being asked.

A friend from way back sending at Target gift card in the mail...she just gets me!!!

A mama and papa bird sitting in the nest on our porch protecting their babes...even though they swoop at me every time I want to go out there!!!

A little girl eating ice cream for what may be the first time and asking to drink the melted part!

    soooo little.....

           SO BIG!

"I thank my God every time I think of you!
Philippians 1:3

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