Monday, November 29, 2010

Common Theme

Yesterday our pastor preached on living life as if Jesus were actually coming back to earth on Dec. 24th! 

Later that day, my husband said to me, "We need to talk with the kids again about the true meaning of Christmas."

Today my friend sent this video link:  Where's the line to see Jesus?

Hmmm....common theme!!!!  IT'S ABOUT HIM!!!

"For God so loved the world, He sent His only begotten son."

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I stood at the doorway staring at the girl. She was twice my size, both in height and weight. She wore a white sweatshirt that had stains on the sleeve. Her jeans hung low on her waist and her hair was pulled up with a ripped piece of fabric. The laces on her shoes were untied. Anger filled her eyes and I began to replay the scene of the last few minutes in my head as my eyes locked in on hers.

The day had been pretty uneventful for uneventful as it can be working in a high school resource room for students with severe behavior and emotional issues. Anthony, Javon, and Terrell had all come in and actually had started on their Algebra. Chris lingered in slowly, but sat down in his seat and took out a novel he was slowly pluggin through.

It was when Davika entered that everything changed. She was in a mood and did not want to be told what to do. She lay her head on her book, closed her eyes and proceeded to try to fall asleep. On any given day, I may have let her slide, but today was day three of her tactics and today I decided to ask her to open her book so I could help her read about the Civil War.

That's when the war in my classroom began. The book had gone flying across the room and she stood up about to throw the chair. As I told her to calm down, Davika grabbed the closest thing in her reach....a yard stick. She now stood only a slight distance from me. The yardstick was raised in front of her. The look in her eye and the language from her mouth, told me she was not ready to be messed with today.

But you see...I had been trained....this was just another day with another student. And more than that, I loved this kid.

"Davika, you have a choice to make. You can either put down the yard stick and sit down, or I will call security and you will be charged with assault on a teacher.  You decide!"

You see, life is about choices. Every day we have choices to make.

Donut or yogurt?
Jeans or sweatpants?
Go for a walk or watch Oprah?
Take out or home cooked meal?
Speak kind words or speak ugliness.

Davika's behavior may seem unbelievable. It may seem absolutely wrong. But really, it is about a choice. Just like so many other choices in her day, at that moment, Davika had to decide.

Hit me with the yardstick, or sit back down?

There has been one choice that has been on my mind...the choice to BELIEVE

To believe in what God has promised.
To believe in the One He sent.
To believe when it seems nothing around us is pointing in the right direction! see...we have to choose to believe. And our day is filled with instances where we can choose to believe or choose to show unbelief.

And, guess what?

Jesus spoke pretty harshly about our choice not to believe...

"The world's sin is unbelief in me."
John 16:9

He called it sin!  It is sin!  A deliberate act of rebellion against God! 

So today...let us choose to believe! When we don't understand God's plan. When we feel frustrated by the pace of the progress. When we don't see the final act. When we are tired and worn out. When nothing on this earth is giving us a reason to...WE WILL CHOOSE TO BELIEVE....because God has promised to honor that belief!

Because God has promised to provide!
Because God has promised to heal!
Because God has promised to sustain!
Because God has promised His plan is far better than mine!

Because God has promised!!!

So...what happened with Davika?  Well, that day...that day...she made the right choice. She put the stick down. She mumbled under her breath. And she walked to her desk.

And I sighed a huge sigh of relief!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Laying out the fleece...

There is a story in the Old Testament. Gideon is questioning God. He isn't sure he can believe what God says. He isn't sure he can accomplish what God is intending for him to accomplish. He isn't sure he wants to accept what He has clearly heard God telling him to do. He is calling for a sign...

 "If this is right, if you are using me to save Israel as you've said, then look: I'm placing a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If dew is on the fleece only, but the floor is dry, then I know that you will use me to save Israel, as you said."
Judges 6:36-37.

You see...Gideon doesn't fully believe. He doesn't fully understand. Gideon is saying, "GIVE ME A SIGN!"

Give me a sign Lord! Show me I am on the right path. Blast the neon lights!

Ever been there? Ever heard a word spoken as a whisper in your ear and not believed what God was telling you? Ever known the path to take, but couldn't quite get the courage to say yes, or maybe no? Ever said to your God, "LORD, GIVE ME A SIGN!"

Guess what God does?

He doesn't laugh at Gideon. He doesn't say, "Seriously, I am GOD!" He doesn't get angry with him.

He simply makes the fleece wet!  He assures Gideon of the path.

God is faithful to show the way. He is faithful to provide the path. He is faithful to remain patient.  He continues to show the sign!

Are you looking?

"God made it happen that very night!"
Judges 6:40

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hey Mom...

Today as we sat in church with the kids beside us, I was so overwhelmed with emotion. The music was incredible. Doug and I were both praising God, lifting our arms in worship to our living, wonderful creator and savior as our children stood next to us taking it all in with their eyes and ears.

Periodically Luke would touch my hand or tightly squeeze my fingers. It was his way of saying, "Mom, I am here." It was my way of knowing our children were learning how much their parents love Jesus.

But the blessing of the morning came just as we were to receive communion as believers. The bread was about to be passed when Luke leaned over to me and said, "Hey mom...we're supposed to ask for forgiveness of our sins now right?"

My heart melted. What a reminder...

You see...that is communion...believers coming together to remember the work of the cross. To remember that we have a living, breathing savior named Jesus! To remember that He is sitting at the right hand of our God just waiting to hear our prayers, just waiting for us to cry out to him, just waiting to forgive our sins.

You see the work didn't end at the cross...HE ROSE AGAIN...for you, for me, for Luke.

Go to the cross my friend. Go to the cross. Confess the sin. Cry out to your Lord. Tell Him what your heart desires. Tell Him how you have messed up this week. Tell Him how you love Him. Go to the cross!

And enter His goodness!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Praising God

Already an update....our local medical facility might take on Lucy's case!  Yahoo!  Pray with us. We will know more next week! I cried tears of joy over the goodness of our Lord today as our doctor called to share the news! 

Praising Him no matter what!

Bump in the Road

You know those bumps they put in the parking lots and around schools? The kind that are meant to slow drivers down. They force you to put on the breaks so you don't go over it at a speed that would pop your child right out of their seat in the vehicle. 

Well, I hate those things! 

I am a type-A, jump in, go full steam ahead kind of person! You give me a task, I make a check off list. I tackle items without looking back! I go 100%, 100% of the time. I want to be the first to complete something, the last to say "No way, can't be done."

Well, today...we hit a speed bump.

We were moving full speed ahead, thinking we were going to get a medical visa for Lucy and have her over here by Christmas. My mom even bought her American Girl Bitty Baby...beautiful brown skin, just waiting to be ripped open and played with! 

But today...God said, "Slow down!"

Or maybe He said, "Let's see what you do with this. Will you still praise me?"

Today we found out we are going to have to provide proof of medical care...a treatment plan...and either pro-bono services or a donor to cover the expenses for Lucy. We thought we could become her legal guardians and add her to our insurance. We were advised that plan might just work, but that isn't looking like the case at all. the speed bump came.

It hit me like the speed bumps in the parking lot do..with full force. I stopped for a bit, wrestled with God, cried a few tears, and then was reminded of two things by my dear friends:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9


"Cry it out girl, but then put on your big girl panties and be ready to fight! And God is on our side!"

Good advice. Just what I needed.

So....the speed bump came and slowed me down for a bit...but I serve a great God. I know He has called us to parent this child. I know He has a plan. I know He will provide the medical plan and He will provide the donor!  I know He is still the God of that city and He is still my good and loving God. And I know if it is HIS will for Lucy to rip open that Bitty Baby doll at Nana's on Christmas, HE HAS THE POWER TO MAKE IT HAPPEN and IF HE DOESN'T I WILL STILL PRAISE HIM.

"My soul clings to you. Your right hand upholds me!"
Psalm 63:8

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As I drove down the country road, the sky turned the most beautiful color of pink. The clouds melted into the background, creating a scene that would paint a little girl's room in sheer peace and tranquility. It was May, so the spring was just emerging in our small town in Iowa, and while new life was on the horizon, tonight tears streamed down my face as I made my way back to my home.

We had started out as office mates. She was different than I....shorter, younger, smarter. I didn't want to be her friend. I simply wanted a degree so I could teach at the university. Quite honestly, I wanted to avoid any personal intimate friendships because they might just slow down my progress toward my goal of graduation. 

But eventually she became my teaching partner for a class, so I had to have the conversations. I had to share with her and walk with her to/from class. I found out we were more similar than I had thought. She had a little boy, a husband, and the same goals as I. Actually, she was pregnant! What fun to walk through this new journey of life with her over the course of the upcoming semester.

As she walked out the door, excited to meet her husband and find out the sex of their new baby, I wished her well and reminded her to call me immediately after the ultrasound. I went about my day, but didn't hear anything. I tried calling, but there was no answer. Hmm...they must be shopping for new baby clothes. I'll catch up with her later tonight. I can't wait to hear how it went!


The words jumped off my computer screen through the short email bearing my friend's signature. What does this mean? She won't live? How do they know? What do these doctors know anyway? Maybe they are wrong. God can heal. God can cure. God can perform a miracle.

Tonight as I drove the country roads and saw the majestic pink sky, I was reminded of this faith in the first moments I had heard the news about baby Chloe. Tonight, though, my faith was waivering. Tonight I had witnessed the confusion of life. Tonight I had grappled with God's plans. Tonight I had knelt next to the infant size coffin, crying out to my Lord for my new friend, as my tears dropped to baby Chloe's coffin. Tonight, I needed a reminder that even when the miracle doesn't come, God is still God!

The pink sky quietly whispered that reminder...I am here. She is with me. I am holding her in my loving arms.

Today, Lord, as I again feel the pain of another friend who has had to release her infant son into your arms, I cry out to you. Today, Lord, I pray for Amanda and her mother, Madonna, and I thank you for the brief life of little Jackson. Today, Lord, I ask that you whisper in their ear that you are here. I pray that you whisper in the ear of anyone who needs to hear...."I AM HERE. I AM YOUR GOD."

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone"
Pslamm 62:5a

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today I sat in the home of my baby sis. Her husband will soon be deployed to Iraq. We will all go to the public send off. We will honor his service and the service of so many others going with him and going before him. We will think of my dad's time in Vietnam and pray for God's protection over him and their family while he is gone.

For some, this would be cause for stress. Cause for worry. Cause for family turmoil and strife.

For some, this would be cause for disarray. Cause for fret. Cause for anxious anticipation and uncertainty.

But today, as I sat in the living room of my baby sis and looked at their family, I was in awe. I was encouraged. I was uplifted.

Today, when Brian and Kate could be full of anger at the impact of war on their family, when they could be griping and complaining, when they could be cursing our Lord....

INSTEAD...I heard them say,

"This too is of the Lord! Our God is good. Our God is faithful. Our God will provide."


That my friends is what we call...


THANK YOU KATE for supporting your husband by being there for him, being there for your family, and being a servant of Christ. THANK YOU BRIAN for being there for your family, being there so your kids and my kids, and the kids in Iraq can have freedom!  Thank you for being a man of Christ! And, THANK YOU MOM AND DAD for paving the way through your service during Vietnam and being the first to show us patriotism and Christianity!!!

 "God has a perfect plan for our lives, but He can not take us to the next step of His plan until we joyfully accept the present situation as part of that plan. What happens next is God's move, not ours."
 -From the book, "Power in Praise" by Merlin Carothers

"The joy of the Lord is your strength!"
Nehemiah 8:10

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You can make a difference

The children at The Covering need your help. There are several new sponsorship opportunities available. I can not tell you the difference our simple act of agreeing to sponsor one little girl a couple years ago has made in our lives!  We thought we were going to be blessing when in fact, we received the blessing!!!! And the amazing part is: God allowed us to actually have a part in literally SAVING THE ORPHAN!

Friday, November 5, 2010

December 25th

News from Sierra Leone today....

Our Lucy's birthday on her newly created birth certificate is DECEMBER 25th, 2006...seems fitting doesn't it? What an amazing Lord we serve! It is like once again He is whispering to me, "I AM HERE!"

Oh...and her name...



no last name until she is adopted!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Sometimes a girl just has to clean! You see there has been a thick covering of dust on our wooden blinds in Doug's office for some time now. The bathroom floor and shower doors have been accumulating that yucky white film from the soap and shampoo. And, the kitchen floor could feed a family of mice for a full year.

But life has been busy! My days have been full of calls about our adoption process, advising college students on their four year college plan, teaching classes, running kids to basketball and dentist appointments and church events. The floors had to wait. The dust kept getting thicker. And the crumbs stuck to our slippers and was wooshed under the cupboards as it lay unswept on the floor.

But cleaning began!  I grabbed the windex, loaded up with dust cloths, and hit the ground running in an all out attack on the dirt and grime! I had the washing machine going, the diswasher running, and my hands busy at work cleaning the shower and floors!  The smell of lemon clean filled the air, soon to be overtaken by the yummy vanilla candle scent throughout the house.

Doug walked in and said, "Wow. You are on a mission!"

My response was, "I can control this!"

You see, the cleaning had less to do with the dirt and scum and more to do with my heart! Life had gotten crazy. Things have been coming at us of which we have had little control. Opportunities, set-backs, bills, disease, deployment...things we just can't control....

Today, taking that shower door from a yucky, white gunky mess to a sparkling, clean glass was my way of gaining some control.  But, in the process, as I was on my knees scrubbing and at the kitchen sink rinsing, I realized it was really my heart that was being cleaned!

It was in that time that God said to me, "Jen...I AM IN CONTROL!"

It was then that I heard the whisper, "I know the plan! I see the outcome! I am here right beside you!"

Fresh shower, spotless floor, clean windows....
new heart....
it's a good thing!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God-what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2