Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fix your eyes on Jesus

I sit in the chair and the eye doctor says, "Look at the letters I am going to show you. Tell me which one is more clear. Ready?"
"Ok -  1 or 2?"

I look at the letters and quite honestly, neither looks more clear.
"uhhh....2?" I say half believing myself.

"Ok - let's try again. Ready?"
"1 or 2?"

Hmm...still not much difference.
"1? Maybe? No, wait, 2?"

I was thinking that our life decisions are like this sometimes. It just doesn't seem clear. The answer is blurred.

Do I start the Bible study with my neighbor who really sortof bugs me?
Do I send my child to Christian school or public school?
Do I keep working?
How hard to I discipline my child?
Is adoption right for us?
Where do I send my tithe? Is it ok to send it to a person and not an official church?

Hmmm....1 or 2?
Blurry. Not sure.

Hebrews 3 reminds us where we ought to go for the answers.

My family recently experienced the earthly death of our dad. He was a wise, wise man. He studied God's word and prayed daily, if not continually. He wrote notes, meditated, and shared with us all.

I was trying to decide whether or not to go to Africa. My heart was grieving. My body was exhausted. I didn't know if I could do it. The trip is so trying. It is difficult. It was going to take lots of energy and enthusiasm.
I just couldn't decide what to do. I felt my children needed me at home. I wanted to surround myself with my husband, my sisters, my brother, my mom, my aunt as I grieved the death of my father, our spiritual and earlthy mentor.

But, in walked my little sis. She had a sheet of paper that held the distinctive writing of my dad.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Is it in line with the Word of God?

2. Is it line with what God has been doing in your life both right now and for your future?

3. Would you feel comfortable with the decision based on what the Bible says?


The decision was made.
The flights were taken.
The team was gathered.
The visa was secured.
The little girl who my dad sponsored for months,
whom he prayed for continually,
was brought to the playhouse he had built....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Words to describe?

I know...I am a blogger...I am supposed to have words...words to describe events...words to describe emotions...words to describe God's love...but how do you describe going from this:

to this:

We welcomed her home to Pella! Six month visa! Medical treatment. A new home. New sister. New brothers. New life.

As we left the orphanage the children and caregivers cried. They grieved losing little Lucy. Her name means light and that is what she brings. Light in the darkness. Light in her surroundings. And now, today, light to the nations!

She is transitioning so well. God is helping us. He is giving us courage. He is giving us strength. He is helping us realize that this life has so little to do with us!
John 3:30 says, "He must become greater I must become less!"
She is showing us that first hand.

There are so many stories to share.
Stories of watching my dad take his last breath on earth, his face glowing as his family called on the name of Jesus our savior to simply take him home.
Stories of being told that we would be denied the visa, that it was a waste of time.
Stories of my husband's obedience to God's voice in saying, OUR GOD IS GREATER!
Stories of being told we would only get three months and arriving to a one year visa!
Stories of Lucy crying on the plane and a man handing me a $100 bill to help the discouragement.
Just like my dad used to do!
Stories of meeting a team of missionaries who prayed over us in the airport in Ghana.
Stories of getting to meet Sam's family. Bibles open. Prayers and praise floating from our mouths.
Stories of babies dying, mothers without children, and fathers lifting up others in prayer for their next meal.
Stories of deboarding a plane, reboarding a plane, breezing through customs, and seeing God's hand in it all.
Stories of the love and support, of a crib and house full of gifts and meals and prayers and love.

And stories of college students and a mother who left Iowa with fear and trepidation and returned with hearts pierced for the people an ocean away.

Stories...stories that I must find the words for. Stories that I pray God allows me to tell over and over again.

Stories of LIGHT!

"For God so loved the world..."

Let the stories begin....

Love, Jen

Monday, May 2, 2011

Parenting Woes...

Parenting is tough! 

I know, I know... there are more difficult things!  Soldiers are fighting for us. People are battling illness.

But let me just share my heart today about parenting.

You see...it isn't all fun and games. It's not just popsicles and merry-go-rounds. It's not just birthday cake and graduation parties.

It's tough decisions.
It's prayerful consideration.
It's saying "NO!" when in your heart you just want to say, "YES!" 

It's telling your own flesh and blood that they can not have a puppy or pony or third piece of candy.
It's telling your adopted child that they can not play basketball until grades are improved.
It's waiting up at night, wondering if everything is ok.
Sending them off with the world and praying that they make Godly decisions.
It's praying they don't do what you did as a kid!!!

Parenting is knowing that even though they are going to get mad at you, that they are going to want to run from you, that they are going to pout and maybe scream and even cry....you still have to be tough on them.
    You still have to say no. 
         You still can't give in and give them what they think is best for them.

It is knowing you see the long term when they see today.
     It is knowing you see the end result when they see this minute.
          It is knowing that you have been there, you have experienced it, and you know the best route to   success, to freedom, to redemption...


We see the now.
He sees the end.

We feel the pain.
He feels the result.

We cry out.
He remains firm.

We pout and stomp and can't understand why He says no.
He won't budge.

We want the immediate pleasure...the here and now...
He wants our faith.

We want to do things our way.
He wants redemption.

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth!"
Isaiah 40:28

We are the child.

He is the father.

 Father knows best!