Friday, December 31, 2010


Bags are packed.
Basketball shoes - check!
Swimsuits - check.
Snacks for the 3.5 hour drive - check.

Pancakes were made. Car was packed. Kids are loaded.


Road block!

Try as we might, we were not going to Kansas City today to celebrate Kobe's birthday and New Yea'rs Eve.


Believe me, as parents it took everything in us to have to call this off. We drove about five miles and just couldn't go any further. It just was not worth the risk. It was a tough decision to make with four boys in the back begging for us to try to go a little further. They were willing to risk it all. To give up the time at the basketball experience and just make it to the hotel. They did not want to stall. They didn't want to turn around. Home was the last place they wanted to be on this day!

Road block. Ice Storm. Cancelling of plans.


Have you been there?
You are plugging along.
Plans are made.
Hopes are high.
Everything seems to be on track when the storm hits.
The road block comes.

And then there is a choice....we always have a choice.

The boys decided we would go get party supplies. Hats. Horns. Chicken wings. Sparkling wine.

We will stay inside and celebrate the New Year here, as friends.
Stay up late.
Hang together.
Roll with it.

They chose to make the best of it.
They chose to be happy.
They chose to find something else to do given the current circumstances.

How about you?

What choice do you make when life takes an unexpected turn? 

Roll into bed?
Roll with it?

I think these words tell us what God expects:

 "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus"
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Hope you all have a blessed 2011!
Decide to choose Christ this year!

Love, Jen

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My story...

We sat on a pontoon with some good friends. The sun was setting over the water and boaters surrounded us, all enjoying life on the water. Someone had made homemade brownies with an amazing raspberry was good.

"Hey Jen, share your testimony!" our pastor friend said as the eight or so other people looked at me anxiously. Our friend had always said to us, "Be ready always to share your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life." Well, here was a time for me...

I began to share about my sinful life as a college student. Parties, drinking, boys. I continued with the lifestyle after college...parties with football players, life in the fast lane, money, alcohol....SIN.

Until the day it all came to a halt.

The man I was with was arrested and placed in jail on some pretty stiff charges.
My life came crumbling down.
      The facade was broken.
            The pieces were crumbling.

I had no where to turn...but... thankfully a great friend told me to call my parents.


This was the greatest gift they gave me....they came.
They helped.
They pointed me to the one who provides UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.


Matthew 7:7
 "Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened."

Several days later I was on a bathroom floor.

                  My life was not worth living.

I had failed so miserably.
          Failed my family.
          Failed in relationships.
          Failed myself.

Why go on?

The bottle of pills rested in my hand, but the verse went through my head:

Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened."

And I accepted Him. I accepted His word for what it was. For the first time in my life, I truly believed that He died for ME. That He alone could wipe away my sin. That He alone was my ticket to heaven. Not myself. Not my parent's religion. Not my good works, although at that point in my life they were minimal. He alone!

And life changed....He brought a new man into my life. A good man. A loving man. He opened my heart to those around me. He diminished the cravings for alcohol and sin. He wiped my heart clean and eventually, although the temporal consequences took time, He cleaned up my life!

I praise Him.
I thank Him.
I glorify Him.

Some looked at me with a blank stare that night on the boat. Some teared up and wept over the life of one sinner saved by the grace of God. But all, all on the pontoon, heard the story. And I pray that those who didn't understand, sought out guidance. I pray that those who didn't get it, went to God's word that night to seek and ask and knock.

And today, my sisters, I pray that if you do not know...if you have never been on your knees, asking for God to enter your heart, that you make it the day. His arms are open. His love is wide. His forgiveness is never-ending. And His life for life for you is something your mind can not even comprehend.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stand firm

Today I was reading in the book of Ezra. God's people are rebuilding the temple, but the unbelievers of the day don't like it one bit. They are fearful of God and don't want to see the temple building progress at all. My Bible provides a side note that just lept off the page at me today.

It says:
"Chapter 4 describes three different strategies used to hinder God's people...
1. Offer help that will lead to compromises or even a complete takeover of the project by unbelievers.
2. Discourage, frighten and frustrate God's people.
3. Use official power to force them to stop their work."

It is interesting to me to see the progression used here by the unbelievers. They begin by acting as a friend...they want to help, but in effect they want to take over. They want their say. They want their way.

Next, when that doesn't work, they decide to take a more blatant approach by trying to discourage, frighten and frustrate God's people with the hope they eventually abandon the project.

When that still doesn't work, they call upon the government to lay down an official decree against the project.

It is interesting to see how this can play out in our own worlds. Have you ever had someone offer help with something you are doing for God, only to realize they had no true desire for God's work? I think this can also present itself in the age-old saying of "Well, we all believe in the same God right?" even when you know their beliefs are vastly different from yours. The Bible warns us to be careful of this tactic and stand firm in our faith in the one and only Lord Jesus Christ.

Then the frustrating and discouraging. In our adoption journey and work for the Lord, we have seen that time and time again. People give us the "Why on earth would you do that?" look. Some even voice it. Some try to out right discourage what we know the Lord is calling us to do. It is fear on their part. They are walking by sight, by circumstances, by fear. We have had to stand firm. Stay true to God's call on our life. And choose over and over again not to be discouraged, not to cave in, and to just walk by faith and not sight.

Finally, there is the strategy of  force. I have seen this first hand in my career. People who do not believe, who do not want to see the kingdom of God progress, have forced the issue of  open beliefs on our campus. They have tried to equalize the playing field through policy and procedure.

But you see, we must hold firm and cling to the promises that God gave us....HE HAS WON THE BATTLE. His son came and died. We just celebrated his human arrival in a manger. In April we will celebrate his death and finished work on the cross.

Stand firm my sisters! Don't let these strategies get to you. Don't be discouraged. Don't be fearful. Don't succumb to force. God is God and He has the throne!

"He is good, his love to Israel endures forever." 
Ezra 3:11

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas party pictures

Check out Jessi's pictures of the Christmas party in Africa...picture of Lucy about half way won't even recognize her with the hair and necklace...Faith keeps saying she looks like she is in second grade!

God is good! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

So, I am a day late, but Merry Christmas!  We have had such a great couple of days with family celebrating the birth of Jesus. Then this morning we were able to skype with Lucy. She has on a Christmas dress and new hair!!!  She was walking and trying to talk and wave to us but seeing her definitely reinforced our efforts to get her here for medical care. She is still drooling quite a bit and seems to be dragging her right leg behind her as she walks. Praying for the Lord to open the doors for the medical visa or adoption to move soon!

I have been thinking a lot about Christmas gifts. So many presents have been unwrapped. Some that we love, some that we just aren't sure of. Some that we were thinking, "What were they thinking?"

I was thinking today that is sort of what it is like when we share the gift of Jesus with people. Some people think, "Yes...I love this gift...I can't wait to get home and use this new gift." Other people aren't quite sure about the gift..."Hmm...this is ok, not something I would get for myself, but thanks." And finally there are those who receive the gift and say, or at least think, "No, this isn't really for me."

I think the old saying that we use with our kids may also apply to this situation, "It's the thought that counts."

It's the fact that we shared the gift of Jesus that matters. What the person does with the offered gift is between them and God. We can only pray they accept openly and love our Lord.

So today, my sisters...I challenge you...share the ultimate gift...the gift of Jesus...share His love, share His story, share His salvation through grace alone...if nothing else, share this verse....

"For God so loved the world He sent His only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
 John 3:16

Monday, December 20, 2010


So, the answer was YES! Today we met in a big ol boardroom with some amazing doctors and administrators. We showed a video and explained our involvement with Lucy. We then asked them if they would be willing to join her story by providing a treatment plan and medical care free of charge.


They are working on a six month treatment plan to include normal medical care, physical therapy, speech therapy, nutrition and other needs. They were so heart felt and compassionate, yet professional and experienced.

We went in with the goal of glorifying God in our words and actions, with the goal of simply sharing our day by day journey with Lucy, and with the goal of accepting whatever the outcome would be.


So now, we wait for the treatment plan, we submit to the U.S. Embassy and just like every other day of our lives...we PRAY!!!!

Oswald Chambers once wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say is THANK YOU, that shall suffice!"

Thank you Lord for your unfailing faithfulness. Thank you for the additional consulting job you brought to me today. Thank you for softening hearts and using Lucy and our family as your vessel. Thank you for paving the way for not only her, but Samuel, to come to our family. Thank you for sending your son to be my savior! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To God be the glory!

To think back to Sept., if Doug and I would have been indecisive, or selfish with our money, time, and think...of the blessings we would be missing out on!

Today we present to Pella Regional regarding all started with one...just one little brown eyed girl across the miles...what a journey it has turned into!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


(My apologies for the "mom-commentary". Luke is #1...)

This weekend, as is the case most weekends, our family is in the gym. The boys love playing basketball and Faith and I tag along to watch the game and connect with other moms and siblings. This weekend, as is the case most weekends, Doug went to one tournament and I went to another. He had Kobe and his team in Cedar Rapids and I was with Luke in Oskaloosa.

Basketball is our thing. Some families hunt together in the winter. Others go snowmobile riding. Some enjoy weekends at home in front of the fireplace with favorite TV shows on. Not us...for us it is basketball. It is Doug's business. It is his livlihood, but you see it represents more than just three point shots and sweaty represents the story of our life, but that is for another post....

Today, today my blog is about Luke. My nine year old, middle born, full of energy Luke. His fourth grade team was playing in the tourney this weekend. And, of course with a little bias, I must say they are pretty darn good! They were holding their own against fifth grade teams.

But you see Luke, well Luke wasn't shooting the ball much. He would get the ball and pass to a team mate.

And I really do try to stay out of it as a mother. I live with a coach and basketball official, so I really do try to keep a lid on it during the games. And I really do try not to hover over my children as they play sports. But I couldn't help but notice that Luke wasn't shooting. And, well, by golly...Doug's business is called "SHOOT-IT".

So, after the game, as I drove him to a friend's house I asked him. I said, "Luke, it didn't seem like you shot much. How come?" And as seems to be the case with our middle born who rarely gets a word in - but when he does it is heartfelt and to the point - he said, "No, but I had a lot of great assists!"

And, just like that, in  an instant, in my car, I was convicted! 

You see, life isn't about being the best shooter. Life isn't about being the hero. Life isn't about being the all time leading scorer. It's not about how many points you can rack up.

Life is about assists!

Jesus tells us it is about laying down our life and loving one another. He tells us it is about giving, not receiving. He tells us it is about denying self, and living for others. Luke's heartfelt is about assists!

I love my kid!

"And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."  II Corinthians 5:15

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today we are celebrating the words, "Take another month off chemo needed."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Come present Lucy to us on Monday. Pella Regional is interested in providing her care on the medical visa."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Ella Rose Collison accepted Christ as her savior at the young age of 8 on Dec. 10th, 2010 and her brother, Gus Paul, also has a special day when he did this too!"

Today we are celebrating the words, "Sam Sarfo will arrive in the U.S. early January. His visa to get an education in the U.S. has been approved."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Dr. Diers exemplifies Christ in her life and teaching. She has had a huge impact on me as a student at Central."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Jen, let's get together to talk about women's ministry at Central College."

Today, we are celebrating the words, "Doug, you inspired me with the talk you gave in my class. Please accept this gift for your adoption of Lucy. I know God provided it for me to provide to you."

Today, more than anything, we are celebrating the words, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

So excited for much to celebrate!