Friday, December 31, 2010


Bags are packed.
Basketball shoes - check!
Swimsuits - check.
Snacks for the 3.5 hour drive - check.

Pancakes were made. Car was packed. Kids are loaded.


Road block!

Try as we might, we were not going to Kansas City today to celebrate Kobe's birthday and New Yea'rs Eve.


Believe me, as parents it took everything in us to have to call this off. We drove about five miles and just couldn't go any further. It just was not worth the risk. It was a tough decision to make with four boys in the back begging for us to try to go a little further. They were willing to risk it all. To give up the time at the basketball experience and just make it to the hotel. They did not want to stall. They didn't want to turn around. Home was the last place they wanted to be on this day!

Road block. Ice Storm. Cancelling of plans.


Have you been there?
You are plugging along.
Plans are made.
Hopes are high.
Everything seems to be on track when the storm hits.
The road block comes.

And then there is a choice....we always have a choice.

The boys decided we would go get party supplies. Hats. Horns. Chicken wings. Sparkling wine.

We will stay inside and celebrate the New Year here, as friends.
Stay up late.
Hang together.
Roll with it.

They chose to make the best of it.
They chose to be happy.
They chose to find something else to do given the current circumstances.

How about you?

What choice do you make when life takes an unexpected turn? 

Roll into bed?
Roll with it?

I think these words tell us what God expects:

 "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus"
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Hope you all have a blessed 2011!
Decide to choose Christ this year!

Love, Jen

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My story...

We sat on a pontoon with some good friends. The sun was setting over the water and boaters surrounded us, all enjoying life on the water. Someone had made homemade brownies with an amazing raspberry was good.

"Hey Jen, share your testimony!" our pastor friend said as the eight or so other people looked at me anxiously. Our friend had always said to us, "Be ready always to share your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life." Well, here was a time for me...

I began to share about my sinful life as a college student. Parties, drinking, boys. I continued with the lifestyle after college...parties with football players, life in the fast lane, money, alcohol....SIN.

Until the day it all came to a halt.

The man I was with was arrested and placed in jail on some pretty stiff charges.
My life came crumbling down.
      The facade was broken.
            The pieces were crumbling.

I had no where to turn...but... thankfully a great friend told me to call my parents.


This was the greatest gift they gave me....they came.
They helped.
They pointed me to the one who provides UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.


Matthew 7:7
 "Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened."

Several days later I was on a bathroom floor.

                  My life was not worth living.

I had failed so miserably.
          Failed my family.
          Failed in relationships.
          Failed myself.

Why go on?

The bottle of pills rested in my hand, but the verse went through my head:

Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened."

And I accepted Him. I accepted His word for what it was. For the first time in my life, I truly believed that He died for ME. That He alone could wipe away my sin. That He alone was my ticket to heaven. Not myself. Not my parent's religion. Not my good works, although at that point in my life they were minimal. He alone!

And life changed....He brought a new man into my life. A good man. A loving man. He opened my heart to those around me. He diminished the cravings for alcohol and sin. He wiped my heart clean and eventually, although the temporal consequences took time, He cleaned up my life!

I praise Him.
I thank Him.
I glorify Him.

Some looked at me with a blank stare that night on the boat. Some teared up and wept over the life of one sinner saved by the grace of God. But all, all on the pontoon, heard the story. And I pray that those who didn't understand, sought out guidance. I pray that those who didn't get it, went to God's word that night to seek and ask and knock.

And today, my sisters, I pray that if you do not know...if you have never been on your knees, asking for God to enter your heart, that you make it the day. His arms are open. His love is wide. His forgiveness is never-ending. And His life for life for you is something your mind can not even comprehend.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stand firm

Today I was reading in the book of Ezra. God's people are rebuilding the temple, but the unbelievers of the day don't like it one bit. They are fearful of God and don't want to see the temple building progress at all. My Bible provides a side note that just lept off the page at me today.

It says:
"Chapter 4 describes three different strategies used to hinder God's people...
1. Offer help that will lead to compromises or even a complete takeover of the project by unbelievers.
2. Discourage, frighten and frustrate God's people.
3. Use official power to force them to stop their work."

It is interesting to me to see the progression used here by the unbelievers. They begin by acting as a friend...they want to help, but in effect they want to take over. They want their say. They want their way.

Next, when that doesn't work, they decide to take a more blatant approach by trying to discourage, frighten and frustrate God's people with the hope they eventually abandon the project.

When that still doesn't work, they call upon the government to lay down an official decree against the project.

It is interesting to see how this can play out in our own worlds. Have you ever had someone offer help with something you are doing for God, only to realize they had no true desire for God's work? I think this can also present itself in the age-old saying of "Well, we all believe in the same God right?" even when you know their beliefs are vastly different from yours. The Bible warns us to be careful of this tactic and stand firm in our faith in the one and only Lord Jesus Christ.

Then the frustrating and discouraging. In our adoption journey and work for the Lord, we have seen that time and time again. People give us the "Why on earth would you do that?" look. Some even voice it. Some try to out right discourage what we know the Lord is calling us to do. It is fear on their part. They are walking by sight, by circumstances, by fear. We have had to stand firm. Stay true to God's call on our life. And choose over and over again not to be discouraged, not to cave in, and to just walk by faith and not sight.

Finally, there is the strategy of  force. I have seen this first hand in my career. People who do not believe, who do not want to see the kingdom of God progress, have forced the issue of  open beliefs on our campus. They have tried to equalize the playing field through policy and procedure.

But you see, we must hold firm and cling to the promises that God gave us....HE HAS WON THE BATTLE. His son came and died. We just celebrated his human arrival in a manger. In April we will celebrate his death and finished work on the cross.

Stand firm my sisters! Don't let these strategies get to you. Don't be discouraged. Don't be fearful. Don't succumb to force. God is God and He has the throne!

"He is good, his love to Israel endures forever." 
Ezra 3:11

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas party pictures

Check out Jessi's pictures of the Christmas party in Africa...picture of Lucy about half way won't even recognize her with the hair and necklace...Faith keeps saying she looks like she is in second grade!

God is good! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

So, I am a day late, but Merry Christmas!  We have had such a great couple of days with family celebrating the birth of Jesus. Then this morning we were able to skype with Lucy. She has on a Christmas dress and new hair!!!  She was walking and trying to talk and wave to us but seeing her definitely reinforced our efforts to get her here for medical care. She is still drooling quite a bit and seems to be dragging her right leg behind her as she walks. Praying for the Lord to open the doors for the medical visa or adoption to move soon!

I have been thinking a lot about Christmas gifts. So many presents have been unwrapped. Some that we love, some that we just aren't sure of. Some that we were thinking, "What were they thinking?"

I was thinking today that is sort of what it is like when we share the gift of Jesus with people. Some people think, "Yes...I love this gift...I can't wait to get home and use this new gift." Other people aren't quite sure about the gift..."Hmm...this is ok, not something I would get for myself, but thanks." And finally there are those who receive the gift and say, or at least think, "No, this isn't really for me."

I think the old saying that we use with our kids may also apply to this situation, "It's the thought that counts."

It's the fact that we shared the gift of Jesus that matters. What the person does with the offered gift is between them and God. We can only pray they accept openly and love our Lord.

So today, my sisters...I challenge you...share the ultimate gift...the gift of Jesus...share His love, share His story, share His salvation through grace alone...if nothing else, share this verse....

"For God so loved the world He sent His only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
 John 3:16

Monday, December 20, 2010


So, the answer was YES! Today we met in a big ol boardroom with some amazing doctors and administrators. We showed a video and explained our involvement with Lucy. We then asked them if they would be willing to join her story by providing a treatment plan and medical care free of charge.


They are working on a six month treatment plan to include normal medical care, physical therapy, speech therapy, nutrition and other needs. They were so heart felt and compassionate, yet professional and experienced.

We went in with the goal of glorifying God in our words and actions, with the goal of simply sharing our day by day journey with Lucy, and with the goal of accepting whatever the outcome would be.


So now, we wait for the treatment plan, we submit to the U.S. Embassy and just like every other day of our lives...we PRAY!!!!

Oswald Chambers once wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say is THANK YOU, that shall suffice!"

Thank you Lord for your unfailing faithfulness. Thank you for the additional consulting job you brought to me today. Thank you for softening hearts and using Lucy and our family as your vessel. Thank you for paving the way for not only her, but Samuel, to come to our family. Thank you for sending your son to be my savior! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To God be the glory!

To think back to Sept., if Doug and I would have been indecisive, or selfish with our money, time, and think...of the blessings we would be missing out on!

Today we present to Pella Regional regarding all started with one...just one little brown eyed girl across the miles...what a journey it has turned into!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


(My apologies for the "mom-commentary". Luke is #1...)

This weekend, as is the case most weekends, our family is in the gym. The boys love playing basketball and Faith and I tag along to watch the game and connect with other moms and siblings. This weekend, as is the case most weekends, Doug went to one tournament and I went to another. He had Kobe and his team in Cedar Rapids and I was with Luke in Oskaloosa.

Basketball is our thing. Some families hunt together in the winter. Others go snowmobile riding. Some enjoy weekends at home in front of the fireplace with favorite TV shows on. Not us...for us it is basketball. It is Doug's business. It is his livlihood, but you see it represents more than just three point shots and sweaty represents the story of our life, but that is for another post....

Today, today my blog is about Luke. My nine year old, middle born, full of energy Luke. His fourth grade team was playing in the tourney this weekend. And, of course with a little bias, I must say they are pretty darn good! They were holding their own against fifth grade teams.

But you see Luke, well Luke wasn't shooting the ball much. He would get the ball and pass to a team mate.

And I really do try to stay out of it as a mother. I live with a coach and basketball official, so I really do try to keep a lid on it during the games. And I really do try not to hover over my children as they play sports. But I couldn't help but notice that Luke wasn't shooting. And, well, by golly...Doug's business is called "SHOOT-IT".

So, after the game, as I drove him to a friend's house I asked him. I said, "Luke, it didn't seem like you shot much. How come?" And as seems to be the case with our middle born who rarely gets a word in - but when he does it is heartfelt and to the point - he said, "No, but I had a lot of great assists!"

And, just like that, in  an instant, in my car, I was convicted! 

You see, life isn't about being the best shooter. Life isn't about being the hero. Life isn't about being the all time leading scorer. It's not about how many points you can rack up.

Life is about assists!

Jesus tells us it is about laying down our life and loving one another. He tells us it is about giving, not receiving. He tells us it is about denying self, and living for others. Luke's heartfelt is about assists!

I love my kid!

"And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."  II Corinthians 5:15

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today we are celebrating the words, "Take another month off chemo needed."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Come present Lucy to us on Monday. Pella Regional is interested in providing her care on the medical visa."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Ella Rose Collison accepted Christ as her savior at the young age of 8 on Dec. 10th, 2010 and her brother, Gus Paul, also has a special day when he did this too!"

Today we are celebrating the words, "Sam Sarfo will arrive in the U.S. early January. His visa to get an education in the U.S. has been approved."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Dr. Diers exemplifies Christ in her life and teaching. She has had a huge impact on me as a student at Central."

Today we are celebrating the words, "Jen, let's get together to talk about women's ministry at Central College."

Today, we are celebrating the words, "Doug, you inspired me with the talk you gave in my class. Please accept this gift for your adoption of Lucy. I know God provided it for me to provide to you."

Today, more than anything, we are celebrating the words, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

So excited for much to celebrate!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Common Theme

Yesterday our pastor preached on living life as if Jesus were actually coming back to earth on Dec. 24th! 

Later that day, my husband said to me, "We need to talk with the kids again about the true meaning of Christmas."

Today my friend sent this video link:  Where's the line to see Jesus?

Hmmm....common theme!!!!  IT'S ABOUT HIM!!!

"For God so loved the world, He sent His only begotten son."

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I stood at the doorway staring at the girl. She was twice my size, both in height and weight. She wore a white sweatshirt that had stains on the sleeve. Her jeans hung low on her waist and her hair was pulled up with a ripped piece of fabric. The laces on her shoes were untied. Anger filled her eyes and I began to replay the scene of the last few minutes in my head as my eyes locked in on hers.

The day had been pretty uneventful for uneventful as it can be working in a high school resource room for students with severe behavior and emotional issues. Anthony, Javon, and Terrell had all come in and actually had started on their Algebra. Chris lingered in slowly, but sat down in his seat and took out a novel he was slowly pluggin through.

It was when Davika entered that everything changed. She was in a mood and did not want to be told what to do. She lay her head on her book, closed her eyes and proceeded to try to fall asleep. On any given day, I may have let her slide, but today was day three of her tactics and today I decided to ask her to open her book so I could help her read about the Civil War.

That's when the war in my classroom began. The book had gone flying across the room and she stood up about to throw the chair. As I told her to calm down, Davika grabbed the closest thing in her reach....a yard stick. She now stood only a slight distance from me. The yardstick was raised in front of her. The look in her eye and the language from her mouth, told me she was not ready to be messed with today.

But you see...I had been trained....this was just another day with another student. And more than that, I loved this kid.

"Davika, you have a choice to make. You can either put down the yard stick and sit down, or I will call security and you will be charged with assault on a teacher.  You decide!"

You see, life is about choices. Every day we have choices to make.

Donut or yogurt?
Jeans or sweatpants?
Go for a walk or watch Oprah?
Take out or home cooked meal?
Speak kind words or speak ugliness.

Davika's behavior may seem unbelievable. It may seem absolutely wrong. But really, it is about a choice. Just like so many other choices in her day, at that moment, Davika had to decide.

Hit me with the yardstick, or sit back down?

There has been one choice that has been on my mind...the choice to BELIEVE

To believe in what God has promised.
To believe in the One He sent.
To believe when it seems nothing around us is pointing in the right direction! see...we have to choose to believe. And our day is filled with instances where we can choose to believe or choose to show unbelief.

And, guess what?

Jesus spoke pretty harshly about our choice not to believe...

"The world's sin is unbelief in me."
John 16:9

He called it sin!  It is sin!  A deliberate act of rebellion against God! 

So today...let us choose to believe! When we don't understand God's plan. When we feel frustrated by the pace of the progress. When we don't see the final act. When we are tired and worn out. When nothing on this earth is giving us a reason to...WE WILL CHOOSE TO BELIEVE....because God has promised to honor that belief!

Because God has promised to provide!
Because God has promised to heal!
Because God has promised to sustain!
Because God has promised His plan is far better than mine!

Because God has promised!!!

So...what happened with Davika?  Well, that day...that day...she made the right choice. She put the stick down. She mumbled under her breath. And she walked to her desk.

And I sighed a huge sigh of relief!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Laying out the fleece...

There is a story in the Old Testament. Gideon is questioning God. He isn't sure he can believe what God says. He isn't sure he can accomplish what God is intending for him to accomplish. He isn't sure he wants to accept what He has clearly heard God telling him to do. He is calling for a sign...

 "If this is right, if you are using me to save Israel as you've said, then look: I'm placing a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If dew is on the fleece only, but the floor is dry, then I know that you will use me to save Israel, as you said."
Judges 6:36-37.

You see...Gideon doesn't fully believe. He doesn't fully understand. Gideon is saying, "GIVE ME A SIGN!"

Give me a sign Lord! Show me I am on the right path. Blast the neon lights!

Ever been there? Ever heard a word spoken as a whisper in your ear and not believed what God was telling you? Ever known the path to take, but couldn't quite get the courage to say yes, or maybe no? Ever said to your God, "LORD, GIVE ME A SIGN!"

Guess what God does?

He doesn't laugh at Gideon. He doesn't say, "Seriously, I am GOD!" He doesn't get angry with him.

He simply makes the fleece wet!  He assures Gideon of the path.

God is faithful to show the way. He is faithful to provide the path. He is faithful to remain patient.  He continues to show the sign!

Are you looking?

"God made it happen that very night!"
Judges 6:40

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hey Mom...

Today as we sat in church with the kids beside us, I was so overwhelmed with emotion. The music was incredible. Doug and I were both praising God, lifting our arms in worship to our living, wonderful creator and savior as our children stood next to us taking it all in with their eyes and ears.

Periodically Luke would touch my hand or tightly squeeze my fingers. It was his way of saying, "Mom, I am here." It was my way of knowing our children were learning how much their parents love Jesus.

But the blessing of the morning came just as we were to receive communion as believers. The bread was about to be passed when Luke leaned over to me and said, "Hey mom...we're supposed to ask for forgiveness of our sins now right?"

My heart melted. What a reminder...

You see...that is communion...believers coming together to remember the work of the cross. To remember that we have a living, breathing savior named Jesus! To remember that He is sitting at the right hand of our God just waiting to hear our prayers, just waiting for us to cry out to him, just waiting to forgive our sins.

You see the work didn't end at the cross...HE ROSE AGAIN...for you, for me, for Luke.

Go to the cross my friend. Go to the cross. Confess the sin. Cry out to your Lord. Tell Him what your heart desires. Tell Him how you have messed up this week. Tell Him how you love Him. Go to the cross!

And enter His goodness!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Praising God

Already an update....our local medical facility might take on Lucy's case!  Yahoo!  Pray with us. We will know more next week! I cried tears of joy over the goodness of our Lord today as our doctor called to share the news! 

Praising Him no matter what!

Bump in the Road

You know those bumps they put in the parking lots and around schools? The kind that are meant to slow drivers down. They force you to put on the breaks so you don't go over it at a speed that would pop your child right out of their seat in the vehicle. 

Well, I hate those things! 

I am a type-A, jump in, go full steam ahead kind of person! You give me a task, I make a check off list. I tackle items without looking back! I go 100%, 100% of the time. I want to be the first to complete something, the last to say "No way, can't be done."

Well, today...we hit a speed bump.

We were moving full speed ahead, thinking we were going to get a medical visa for Lucy and have her over here by Christmas. My mom even bought her American Girl Bitty Baby...beautiful brown skin, just waiting to be ripped open and played with! 

But today...God said, "Slow down!"

Or maybe He said, "Let's see what you do with this. Will you still praise me?"

Today we found out we are going to have to provide proof of medical care...a treatment plan...and either pro-bono services or a donor to cover the expenses for Lucy. We thought we could become her legal guardians and add her to our insurance. We were advised that plan might just work, but that isn't looking like the case at all. the speed bump came.

It hit me like the speed bumps in the parking lot do..with full force. I stopped for a bit, wrestled with God, cried a few tears, and then was reminded of two things by my dear friends:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9


"Cry it out girl, but then put on your big girl panties and be ready to fight! And God is on our side!"

Good advice. Just what I needed.

So....the speed bump came and slowed me down for a bit...but I serve a great God. I know He has called us to parent this child. I know He has a plan. I know He will provide the medical plan and He will provide the donor!  I know He is still the God of that city and He is still my good and loving God. And I know if it is HIS will for Lucy to rip open that Bitty Baby doll at Nana's on Christmas, HE HAS THE POWER TO MAKE IT HAPPEN and IF HE DOESN'T I WILL STILL PRAISE HIM.

"My soul clings to you. Your right hand upholds me!"
Psalm 63:8

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As I drove down the country road, the sky turned the most beautiful color of pink. The clouds melted into the background, creating a scene that would paint a little girl's room in sheer peace and tranquility. It was May, so the spring was just emerging in our small town in Iowa, and while new life was on the horizon, tonight tears streamed down my face as I made my way back to my home.

We had started out as office mates. She was different than I....shorter, younger, smarter. I didn't want to be her friend. I simply wanted a degree so I could teach at the university. Quite honestly, I wanted to avoid any personal intimate friendships because they might just slow down my progress toward my goal of graduation. 

But eventually she became my teaching partner for a class, so I had to have the conversations. I had to share with her and walk with her to/from class. I found out we were more similar than I had thought. She had a little boy, a husband, and the same goals as I. Actually, she was pregnant! What fun to walk through this new journey of life with her over the course of the upcoming semester.

As she walked out the door, excited to meet her husband and find out the sex of their new baby, I wished her well and reminded her to call me immediately after the ultrasound. I went about my day, but didn't hear anything. I tried calling, but there was no answer. Hmm...they must be shopping for new baby clothes. I'll catch up with her later tonight. I can't wait to hear how it went!


The words jumped off my computer screen through the short email bearing my friend's signature. What does this mean? She won't live? How do they know? What do these doctors know anyway? Maybe they are wrong. God can heal. God can cure. God can perform a miracle.

Tonight as I drove the country roads and saw the majestic pink sky, I was reminded of this faith in the first moments I had heard the news about baby Chloe. Tonight, though, my faith was waivering. Tonight I had witnessed the confusion of life. Tonight I had grappled with God's plans. Tonight I had knelt next to the infant size coffin, crying out to my Lord for my new friend, as my tears dropped to baby Chloe's coffin. Tonight, I needed a reminder that even when the miracle doesn't come, God is still God!

The pink sky quietly whispered that reminder...I am here. She is with me. I am holding her in my loving arms.

Today, Lord, as I again feel the pain of another friend who has had to release her infant son into your arms, I cry out to you. Today, Lord, I pray for Amanda and her mother, Madonna, and I thank you for the brief life of little Jackson. Today, Lord, I ask that you whisper in their ear that you are here. I pray that you whisper in the ear of anyone who needs to hear...."I AM HERE. I AM YOUR GOD."

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone"
Pslamm 62:5a

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today I sat in the home of my baby sis. Her husband will soon be deployed to Iraq. We will all go to the public send off. We will honor his service and the service of so many others going with him and going before him. We will think of my dad's time in Vietnam and pray for God's protection over him and their family while he is gone.

For some, this would be cause for stress. Cause for worry. Cause for family turmoil and strife.

For some, this would be cause for disarray. Cause for fret. Cause for anxious anticipation and uncertainty.

But today, as I sat in the living room of my baby sis and looked at their family, I was in awe. I was encouraged. I was uplifted.

Today, when Brian and Kate could be full of anger at the impact of war on their family, when they could be griping and complaining, when they could be cursing our Lord....

INSTEAD...I heard them say,

"This too is of the Lord! Our God is good. Our God is faithful. Our God will provide."


That my friends is what we call...


THANK YOU KATE for supporting your husband by being there for him, being there for your family, and being a servant of Christ. THANK YOU BRIAN for being there for your family, being there so your kids and my kids, and the kids in Iraq can have freedom!  Thank you for being a man of Christ! And, THANK YOU MOM AND DAD for paving the way through your service during Vietnam and being the first to show us patriotism and Christianity!!!

 "God has a perfect plan for our lives, but He can not take us to the next step of His plan until we joyfully accept the present situation as part of that plan. What happens next is God's move, not ours."
 -From the book, "Power in Praise" by Merlin Carothers

"The joy of the Lord is your strength!"
Nehemiah 8:10

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You can make a difference

The children at The Covering need your help. There are several new sponsorship opportunities available. I can not tell you the difference our simple act of agreeing to sponsor one little girl a couple years ago has made in our lives!  We thought we were going to be blessing when in fact, we received the blessing!!!! And the amazing part is: God allowed us to actually have a part in literally SAVING THE ORPHAN!

Friday, November 5, 2010

December 25th

News from Sierra Leone today....

Our Lucy's birthday on her newly created birth certificate is DECEMBER 25th, 2006...seems fitting doesn't it? What an amazing Lord we serve! It is like once again He is whispering to me, "I AM HERE!"

Oh...and her name...



no last name until she is adopted!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Sometimes a girl just has to clean! You see there has been a thick covering of dust on our wooden blinds in Doug's office for some time now. The bathroom floor and shower doors have been accumulating that yucky white film from the soap and shampoo. And, the kitchen floor could feed a family of mice for a full year.

But life has been busy! My days have been full of calls about our adoption process, advising college students on their four year college plan, teaching classes, running kids to basketball and dentist appointments and church events. The floors had to wait. The dust kept getting thicker. And the crumbs stuck to our slippers and was wooshed under the cupboards as it lay unswept on the floor.

But cleaning began!  I grabbed the windex, loaded up with dust cloths, and hit the ground running in an all out attack on the dirt and grime! I had the washing machine going, the diswasher running, and my hands busy at work cleaning the shower and floors!  The smell of lemon clean filled the air, soon to be overtaken by the yummy vanilla candle scent throughout the house.

Doug walked in and said, "Wow. You are on a mission!"

My response was, "I can control this!"

You see, the cleaning had less to do with the dirt and scum and more to do with my heart! Life had gotten crazy. Things have been coming at us of which we have had little control. Opportunities, set-backs, bills, disease, deployment...things we just can't control....

Today, taking that shower door from a yucky, white gunky mess to a sparkling, clean glass was my way of gaining some control.  But, in the process, as I was on my knees scrubbing and at the kitchen sink rinsing, I realized it was really my heart that was being cleaned!

It was in that time that God said to me, "Jen...I AM IN CONTROL!"

It was then that I heard the whisper, "I know the plan! I see the outcome! I am here right beside you!"

Fresh shower, spotless floor, clean windows....
new heart....
it's a good thing!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God-what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Please pray...

I can not provide details at this point, really I would if I could....

but would you please join my family in prayer...we are awaiting a couple of decisions that could really change things....just pray that the answers would be a resounding YES!

But know that regardless of the answer, we believe God has a plan and "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever!" Hebrews 13:8

Sunday, October 24, 2010

She walks!

Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk."
John 5:8

This week we saw this verse played out in real life. Our little Lucy, the girl who was abandoned on a beach as an infant. The girl who was forced to sit on a mat, alone, and unfed in her first orphanage. The one who only ate if the other children decided to toss her food scraps. The girl who nobody would touch because they believed her to be "cursed" due to her "abnormalities".  The girl who finally got moved to another orphanage and once again was left to sit alone: unkept, unloved, parasites coming from her head, her body deteriorating by the moment.

Today...Jesus said, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!" and she did... with a smile on her face and giggles in her heart! we love her and Oh how we love HIS power and promises!  

(She is so tired from all the walking that she falls asleep eating at the end of the video!)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I grew up in a big old house. Story is it used to be home to the Catholic nuns in town. There were old wooden floors, huge sliding doors, steep staircases and a big claw foot tub!  I remember soaking in the tub as a child. My sisters and I would play for hours with our little people boat, barbies and ponies until our skin was wrinkled and our bodies were shivering. 

I remember sitting in that water, just playing and playing without a care in the world until eventually the water would get lukewarm. The comfort of the hot water would disappear and the bubbles would disappear. We could see a grayness come over the water and our bodies responded with goose bumps and chills. 

This week I read a quote from Francis Chan's book, "Crazy Love" that reminded me of those days as a child. 

"Lukewarm people say they love Jesus, and He is, indeed, a part of their lives. But only a part. They give Him a section of their time, their money, and their thoughts, but He isn't allowed to control their lives."

OUCH!  Am I the only one who can relate to that and feel a tinge of conviction?  I mean maybe I am...but come on...when we are real, when we become transparent, what might God look down and see in us?

A tub full of steaming hot water....bubbling over with excitement and joy over our Lord and Savior....inviting others into our tub of His gracious love, His loving arms, His warm heart?

Or....a lukewarm tub...doing a little here and there...going to church on Sunday...saying "Praise the Lord" here and from our wealth but not from sacrifice?  


Dear me not to be lukewarm. Help me to be steaming hot for you. On fire for your Word, your Will. Bubbling over with joy that comes only from you!  

"The Lord says, 'These people come near to me with their mouths and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." 
Isaiah 29:13

Friday, October 22, 2010

My baby is growin up!

So this week we celebrated the birthday of our daughter, Faith. She is 8 years old. It is so hard to believe...this little precious 7 pound, 7 ounce babe has grown up into this little precious 8 year old! Well, with our American birthdays come American birthday lists...items she is wanting people to buy for her...

#1   on the list:   LUCY IN OUR HOUSE!  (Um...God...need ya on this one!)
#2   a camera  "A REAL camera Mommy! Not a kiddy camera!"
#3   a robe  "So when I get out the shower I can be warm, and I can wear it over my jammies in the morning   too!"

That was her list. That is what she wanted. And she approached us with the confidence that we would come through.

But you see...#1 is out of my control.
                    #2 Daddy was going to take care of.
and              #3 quickly became an issue...

I scoured the stores for a size 7-8 robe. Nothing to be found at our local Walmart. Nothing to be found in my 40 mile one-way trip to the stores in Altoona. Nothing to be found in the 1 hour one way trip to was Wednesday. Birthday was Thursday!  Now what?

Rearrange the day. Cancel some meetings. Drive to Oskaloosa with the hope and prayer that JC Penny's had a robe in size 7-8!

As I went on this search for the robe, I began thinking about my God. You see sometimes I just want what I want. I don't see the rearranging, or changing, or resources my God is doing to answer my prayer. I don't understand why there is a delay. I don't get it as to why He can't just drop that prayer request right in my lap! And, often, just like Faith didn't see my frantic search for the robe, I don't see God's work (although I highly doubt it is frantic) behind the scenes!

But, then I thought even more deeply on this. You see my daughter Faith never once doubted that the three items on her list would be provided! She had full faith as she opened each gift that one of them would hold a camera and that one would hold a robe. And I do think that when she asked, she fully believed that God could even provide Lucy in our home on Thursday morning if He so chose! 

She approached her parents with full FAITH! She had no doubt we would provide!

The Bible tells us that God also expects that from us. I am thinking I fail at that! I am thinking I lay my requests out there but I don't always FULLY believe in God's resources, in His persistence, in His promises to me as his daughter!

So...the gifts were opened...the camera was unwrapped, the robe was worn this morning with the pj's as she awoke from bed, and we are approaching God with BOLDNESS and CONFIDENCE for His provision of #1!!!!

Ephesians 3:12: "In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."


Friday, October 15, 2010

Pure Joy

You know there is something to be said for transparency...full blown honesty...just laying it out there and saying, "Hey ya'all I need prayer today!" 

James reminds us, "The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective!" 

Ya'all prayed...and guess what...pure joy....

PURE JOY!  That is what has come over me! 

After my post earlier today, Doug walked in with chocolates! He hadn't even read my post yet...and he had chocolate for me! God just knows!

Then my friend texted me and said, "Hey, maybe you should pursue a medical visa for Lucy. It is a route to getting her here and treated while you continue with the adoption stuff."

Then my other friend happens to have a connection to a senator's office and within minutes has us connected with some people in the political arena who may be able to help push this along...

Then...I get on the blog and read the comments from my family...PURE JOY I say...PURE JOY!

God knows....He just knows...and I will simply obey!

Thanks for praying! Now...what about your holes? Have you let Jesus- the giver of all creation, the lover of our souls, the healer of all healers fill your hole today? Trust me...He can do it!!!!

Hole in the T-shirt

So our son Luke has this habit that drives his dad crazy. Periodically his nose runs a clear liquid. And because he is Luke...because he is the middle child...the one who has been on the go since the minute he was born...the one who came into the world in an instant and hasn't sat still since...the one who will not dare stop to run to the bathroom, grab a kleenex and wipe his nose...he wipes it on his t-shirt. He just pulls it up from below his chin and wipes his nose when it runs. Gross right? I know...and it drives his dad crazy!

Well, as much as we try to get him to get a kleenex, he just keeps using his t-shirts. And he does it so often that several of his t-shirts have a small hole in them right at the neck line. It is a visible sign that he just can't break the habit.

Today I am teary eyed for some reason. I feel the hole in the t-shirt. the visible sign of the habit.

My heart feels a hole. When I look at pictures of our little girl in Africa, I usually smile and even giggle at the work God has done. But today...I feel the hole of my habit of loving her so deeply I don't understand it.

So today, I could use some prayers of uplifting...some prayers to fill the hole...something to break the visible sign of sadness over the habit of loving her and not being able to touch her...

And today I pray for you...whatever your habit is...good or bad...that you might have peace in seeing the hole...peace in feeling that hole...peace in knowing that you can use the visible  to claim the invisible faith in our savior, Jesus!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 this update...

AND this is what the money, time, effort, fasting, and PRAYER do in the life of a child....

From Jessie's blog:

A Light In The World

If you all don't know Lucy and Moses can I just introduce them again?! After a morning of meetings and sometimes feeling my my head may explode all I have to do is walk in the babies room. You step in and it's like a whole other world. There are precious little babies who stare at you, locking their eyes onto yours, never losing sight of where you are. I think, today especially, God knew right what I needed when I walked into that room. As I stepped in Lucy was standing in her crib looking the other way... I began to sing her name and she looked over, Y'ALL I wish I could post a video of the excitement that comes across her face!! I slowly move over to her, watching her laugh and smile and wiggle her feet, knowing that if she could she would be jumping for joy. I swoop her up and start talking to her, listening to her explain everything she's feeling, how her day is going, what she's had for lunch... I talk back to her as if I understand everything she's saying... today I would put money on it that she said "auntie"... I think that will come oh so soon... and I can hardly wait!
As I began walking around the room with her in my arms she began tapping my shoulder and pointing to her red chair. Ohhhh the infamous red chair... (it takes place as her walker until hers comes in a few weeks!!)

Little Lucy begs to start walking and since she doesn't have her shoes on I make sure to keep a hold on her while she begins to walk. I am pretty sure she is walking faster everyday, or she was just in a hurry to get out of the room. :) As we made our round in the dining room and halls we make our way back to her room. Cari is also in the room playing with Moses. It was the first time I had ever seen little Moses smile. That was another gift from God, if only I could have caught that on camera too.

As we are making our way back to her bed she begins playing "push the chair over, and Cari pick it up" she thought it was SO funny and was almost crying she was laughing so hard, then all of a sudden she snorted the biggest snort I have ever heard from a child's mouth. Cari and I died laughing, as did Lucy.
She is such a gift from God. Such a light and such a story of a life that can be saved. For 2 years we prayed and all we could do was to put our trust in God. Just like Lucy is a light in this world God shines even brighter, over all of us. I have realized that by being here, I haven't felt the presence of God before like I have when I am here. It's impossible to stumble when we are walking in His light. In times of fear, in times of doubt, in times of struggling thoughts, the Lord melts them with HIS LIGHT. I have seen darkness, it has tried to take place of the light, it can creep in so fast when you stray away from Him. My prayer tonight is to continue to pray for Lucy, continue to pray for TRS, continue to pray for every child in our care that they may know God and see his marvelous light.

This was Lucy 2 years ago when we found her.

This is Lucy today.

(Be expecting a picture of her during praise and worship sometime soon. Her little hands raised in the air and her clapping with joy. What an amazing child of God she is.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Tuesday!!!

Well, it is Tuesday again!

For those of you who read regularly (well, at least as regularly as I post!) then you know Tuesdays are a big deal in our house!  Things happen on Tuesdays. God blesses on Tuesdays. We obey and He shows His faithfulness.

The walker for Lucy arrived to our new friend, Luke, in Missouri and is now on its way to our friend, Karen, in Tennessee! Karen will hand deliver it to Lucy later this month! Karen was with me the first second I met Lucy in person!

Another happening today:  we received word that Homeland Security received our paperwork for the adoption. They are processing it and it is moving forward. You see this is big news!  Earlier in the week we heard there may be some glitches going on with the adoption approval process in Sierra Leone. Collectively, those of us involved in this process, committed to prayer and fasting! Collectively we chose to walk by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT. So the paper work today....some may call a coincidence...some may call the U.S. government just doing their job...but I...I will call it God's promise! HE is moving forward...even when we don't see it in Sierra Leone...God is saying...keep going...I am way ahead of you!!!!

Third happening:  We received a check in the mail once again from my dad for The Raining Season. The check arrived today...Tuesday. I know he wouldn't necessarily want me sharing this with all 12 of you who read my blog...insert smile here...BUT....he has given faithfully to our cause....he has never met Lucy in person...he has never been to Africa....but he believes in what TRS is doing in sharing Christ with these giving them a place to call all of us who are simply obeying the call when we don't feel equipped or sure of ourselves...and that...selfless giving on a consistent, that deserves recognition....because I know He will give the glory to God anyway...

It's Tuesday!

And again we will claim our favorite verse from Genesis:
"On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided!" 

He continues to provide!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I stood in the kitchen, dusting the pork chops with flour. The corn bread was in the oven, potatoes boiling, corn on the stovetop and oil hot, just awaiting the pork chops.

"Mom, can I have a cupcake?"
"No, we are going to eat supper."

"Mom, can I go to Bobby's?"
"No, we are going to eat soon."

"Mom, can I play the wii?"
"No, go wash your hands."


I wonder how many times a day I hear my name called out by my children. Sometimes it is little questions like those above. Other times it is the wailing, crying type of call from the top of the steps, or outside, to really get my attention:


Sometimes it becomes overwhelming. Sometimes I actually say to my children, "Do you think you could go ten minutes without saying MOM?"

But today, as I read in 1 Chronicles about David, it hit me how many times I read the phrase, "David inquired of God..."

Over and over again, David went before God with questions. Sometimes he received a resounding NO! Other times he received an immediate YES!  But none-the-less, David was comfortable going to his God...going to his Father...and asking...even in the daily happenings of life...

"God, can I...?"

So today, when I hear the word, "MOM..."
I will thank God for my children's voices.
I will thank Him that they feel comfortable asking.
I will thank Him that He has given me the voice to answer back.

And today, when I hear the word, "MOM..."
I will remind myself to go before my heavenly Father and ask Him about my daily interactions.
I will ask Him whether I should move forward or stay stilll,
whether I should go or stay,
speak or be quiet...

"God...can I...or God should I...???" 
You fill in the blank.

Monday, October 4, 2010

He is alive!

Found this written on the inside cover of my Bible today:

"This is more than an insurance policy for when you die, JESUS IS ALIVE!"

Don't believe me? Read Matthew 28!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

One Less

The stack of papers sat on the floor beside me.

Two hundred and eight. 208. Not one more. Not one less.
Two hundred and eight.

At approximately seven pages each, that was a mere one thousand four hundred and fifty six sheets of paper to read and grade. 1456. Not one more. Not one less.

The papers had been sitting on my desk in my office for several days. I kept looking at the stack, not feeling the umpph to dive in and start grading. So, I had moved them to the big table in my office, thinking if I spread out, grabbed a caffe latte and settled in, the grading would get done. But...still nothing.

So this night, I had put my children to bed. I had made a pot of coffee. I had turned on the music. And, I had come to the point in the week, where I KNEW these papers had to be graded! Some would be easy to grade. The students who had followed directions, answered succinctly. Those are the easy ones. "Great job!" "Nice Work!" Nothing much to write on those papers.

It was the papers that represented the C, D, or even F level of work that took time. They were the students that needed specific feedback. They were the papers that would take time. "Does this really represent Bronfenbrenner's theory of child development?" "Do you really think this is an example of gross motor development?" Lots of feedback. Lots of time. Lots of coffee!

But, then it happened. I took hold of the first paper and I started reading. My pen began making underlines and notations. And before I knew it, there was ONE LESS paper to grade.

Two hundred and seven! go. Whew!

This week I heard a song called "One Less". It is the story of one family's adoption. It represents the old parable of the man on the sea throwing the starfish back into the ocean. He can't possibly save them all, but he saved that one!

I think our lives are full of opportunities for "one less". The obvious for our family right now is Lucy. She is one less child that will have to go through life without a daddy. One less child that will be raised in an orphanage.

But there are less obvious examples too...

One less harsh word.
One less judgemental thought.
One less drink of alcohol.
One less day away from our families who need us.
One less coffee so that someone else can be given one more dollar.
One less open door for Satan.

What will be your ONE LESS today?

Click here to hear Matthew West's song "One Less".

Friday, October 1, 2010


So I have been thinking a lot about provision lately. 
I watch the squirrel in our yard and think about how God provides even for the animals.
I see my children come to me, asking if they can have an afternoon snack, if they can have ice cream after football practice, if they can have the newest Nike shoes.
It is something I have been thinking about.
Sometimes provision comes through the encouraging words of a friend.
Sometimes it comes through a surprise raise, no matter how small it is.
Sometimes it comes through your son's hug and cuddling during the TV show at night.
Sometimes it is the simple hand of my husband on my back as he walks by me in the kitchen.

Today...provision came to us once again...

God sent us a man we have never met in person. You know I don't even know where he lives for sure. I think it might be Missouri. His name was on a string of emails that were distributed by a friend of ours about a month ago. Luke. That is about all I know.

But today...he became God's vessel in our lives. Today, he ordered this: 

...and paid for it....100%...
for a little girl he has never met.
For a little girl he has only seen for a matter of minutes via a video clip.
For a little girl that means the world to us....

God provided a walker for Lucy through a man named Luke.
And our family continues to claim Genesis 22:14
"On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided!"

Friday, September 24, 2010


There is a house a few blocks from ours. It sits across from the local park on a corner lot. The owners have two dogs, who recently gave birth to puppies, so there is a fence on the yard housing these puppies. They are so adorable...cute brown skin, playful as can be. My children love to ride their bikes up to the house and play with the puppies through the fence.

Today as I approached that corner on my way to work, I noticed a woman walking her little poodle. They were across the road walking on the path in the park. As I stopped to let them cross the street in front of my car, the poodle noticed the puppies. He saw three dogs just across the way and this little tiny white poodle realized that his owner was leading him right into the path of these other dogs.

The leash became tight. The poodle dug his heels in and with all the might he had, he made the non-verbal statement saying, I AM NOT GOING NEAR THOSE OTHER DOGS!

The owner yanked. She tugged. She pulled. I couldn't hear her, but I noticed her mouth moving as she probably gave a stern direction to the little poodle.

The poodle was not budging. Heels dug in. Weight on back legs. I AM NOT GOING NEAR THAT DANGER!

The owner had more strength and began dragging the poodle across the street, in front of my car, toward the puppies, who of course were barking like crazy at the little poodle. Heels dug in, pulling back with all his might, the poodle was literally drug across the street.

It got me Christians, we have to be like the little poodle. We have to be able to sense danger before we ever get to it. We have to dig in our heels, put our weight down and say, "I AM NOT GOING DOWN THAT PATH!"

And, I was thinkin...the owner, the one pullin the leash could represent Satan. He is up for the fight. He wants to win. He wants us to take the path toward danger. He will drag us across the street if he can...into sexual immorality, into overeating, into harsh words with those we love, into gossip...he will take a tight leash and tug. the poodle! Although we are small, our God is great! Stand firm in your faith my sister. Dig in your heels against Satan and don't budge. Put up a fuss...bark and sit on your hind legs! Don't go across the street to the danger!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

God's whisper today

So as I write this blog entry, my daughter is folding clothes. The dishes are put away, beds are made and Doug is sitting in the living room talking with Kobe. 

Clean house...

But you see yesterday this was not the case in our home. Yesterday there was chaos. There was frustration. There were clothes in the dryer, dishes piled up, mess on the floor, and bedrooms unkept. We had parents who were exasperated, kids who were getting in trouble, and a home in disarray!

What changed you ask?  Well, let me remind you that today is TUESDAY!  And today is the day my hubby and I keep our little secret that I wrote about last week. Things seem to happen on Tuesdays! 

Today I spent some time in God's word. I prayed for Him to whisper in my ear (or scream in my face!). Our family wheels weren't running smoothly...we had disarray...what do we do Lord?  

Today it I sat on my porch with my Bible and cup of came...

Psalm 23:4b "...your rod and your staff they comfort me!" 

I am sure there is some theological meaning for this verse. I am sure there is a commentary on the true meaning of this verse. But, today, on the porch, God whispered...

"Jen, you have the are using it like crazy with your kids...talking with them, explaining to them, giving positive reinforcement, teaching them my word. But Jen, your kids also need the rod. They need the discipline. The hard consequence. The tangible consequence to their behavior. Something they can feel. They need to know what is expected of them and they need to "feel" a consequence when they don't comply!"
                                                                   -God to me...

Now, let me explain. I am not saying God told me to spank my children! 

I am saying that He reminded me that both the positive guidance and the hard consequences will BRING COMFORT to my children!  My children might "feel" the consequence by having to go to bed early, or having to miss a football game, or not being able to play Wii. They simply were not feeling it from our words and explanations. God reminded me through His whisper that the rod also brings comfort.Kids thrive on explicit expectations, structure, routine and tangible consequences. 

I have known this. I have taught on this. I needed the reminder! 

Thank you for the whisper Lord!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A miracle we have prayed for...

Andrew writes about the miracle we have been praying for...have the kleenex handy!

Choose 2 be blog

I love our God!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, I have a little secret...but I really wanna to share it.

You see, here is the dilema...

The Word of God tells me that I shouldn't share the secret, or shouldn't make it obvious, because that might be kindof like tooting my own horn or trying to puff myself up. But...I really don't see it like that at all...I really just want to share the secret with you to tell you how AMAZING and COOL and TOTALLY FAITHFUL my God is. You see my secret is showing us these incredible results, these incredible blessings, and this ever faithful discernment. It opens our hearts and our minds to Christ. When we first got word of the secret, we didn't have any preconceived notions. We didn't really expect much from it. We just did it because we both felt called to...plain and simple...we heard the call, so we decided to give it a try and to obey the call.


You see our little secret happens every Tuesday. We keep each other accountable to it. We remind each other of our secret. AND...We have seen super amazing things happen each and every time we have done it.
  • Things like our little girl in Africa being moved to a new orphanage.
  • Things like hearing word that the adoption ban is to be lifted there.
  • Things like having a final home study meeting and it going so smoothly that we both couldn't help but give all glory to God above.
  • Things like preaching at a college worship service.
  • And things like having a conversation about Christ in the hallways of my office with almost all of my colleagues.
Amazing things are happening. Amazing things that have absolutely nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with CHRIST! I I let you in on the secret.....

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Shade Tree

I remember sitting under a big shade tree with my friend when I was little. We would bring a little snack, some books to read and then just sit and chat, enjoying the comfort of the day under the big oak tree. It seemed like nothing could go wrong under that tree. The big blanket we lounged upon would become home to the occassional ant, but in general all of our needs and desires were met as we sat beneath that tree.

You know, as I get older, I find myself seeking out the same comfort from shade trees. This summer at a baseball game in our town, I had my little niece with me. She was getting tired from the long day of playing with her cousins and she crawled up into my lap. As she dozed off, the heat of the summer sun came down upon her perfectly white, unblemished skin and drops of sweat began to form on my forehead. I searched for a tree to provide relief and happily settled in under the shade of a small tree out near the left field of the baseball diamond.


"The Lord is your keeper, the Lord is your shade at your right hand." 
Psalm 121:5

It seems to me that this verse sums up those feelings of comfort but with regard to finding that shade in Christ Jesus. Praise God He provides the shade! Praise God He gives us the comfort, the relief, the care!