Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Tuesday!!!

Well, it is Tuesday again!

For those of you who read regularly (well, at least as regularly as I post!) then you know Tuesdays are a big deal in our house!  Things happen on Tuesdays. God blesses on Tuesdays. We obey and He shows His faithfulness.

The walker for Lucy arrived to our new friend, Luke, in Missouri and is now on its way to our friend, Karen, in Tennessee! Karen will hand deliver it to Lucy later this month! Karen was with me the first second I met Lucy in person!

Another happening today:  we received word that Homeland Security received our paperwork for the adoption. They are processing it and it is moving forward. You see this is big news!  Earlier in the week we heard there may be some glitches going on with the adoption approval process in Sierra Leone. Collectively, those of us involved in this process, committed to prayer and fasting! Collectively we chose to walk by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT. So the paper work today....some may call a coincidence...some may call the U.S. government just doing their job...but I...I will call it God's promise! HE is moving forward...even when we don't see it in Sierra Leone...God is saying...keep going...I am way ahead of you!!!!

Third happening:  We received a check in the mail once again from my dad for The Raining Season. The check arrived today...Tuesday. I know he wouldn't necessarily want me sharing this with all 12 of you who read my blog...insert smile here...BUT....he has given faithfully to our cause....he has never met Lucy in person...he has never been to Africa....but he believes in what TRS is doing in sharing Christ with these children...in giving them a place to call home...in all of us who are simply obeying the call when we don't feel equipped or sure of ourselves...and that...selfless giving on a consistent basis...now, that deserves recognition....because I know He will give the glory to God anyway...

It's Tuesday!

And again we will claim our favorite verse from Genesis:
"On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided!" 

He continues to provide!


    love you so much. xo

  2. just seeing this!!! wow!! thank you Jesus!
    love you


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