Thursday, April 8, 2010

How do you know?

How do you know when you are to step back and when you are to step forward?

I know...prayer..

But...what if God is not making it clear? What if you are praying and it just isn't clear?

What if one part of you is saying, "no, be still"  but the other part of you is saying, "Go"?  

What if you don't see the way, you don't see how it is possible, you don't have the resources, BUT every single portion of every single part of your body and soul and heart are telling you ,"JUST TRUST ME and GO!" 

What then?

What do you do...

step out in faith?

or stay back and remain still? 


  1. I am in the same place myself right now. Maybe you have to wrestle with the indecision now so when the answer finally becomes clear you won't second guess it. If nothing but your own heart is stopping you from moving forward, then I'd ask God for extra faith and take a step out. If stepping out isn't what He wants of you, I believe the doors will close. He only asks you to be obedient. Remember Abraham and Isaac? God asked him to sacrifice his only son. Abraham was almost about to kill his son when an angel stopped him and God provided a ram to sacrifice instead. Sometimes I think God just wants our willingness to do what He asks- to be obedient- to die to ourselves and live for him. Maybe he will call you and maybe he'll provide an alternative. You (and I) just have to be obedient.

    In my case I have a familial situation that makes it hard to step forward right now. But my heart is torn between the two.

  2. Thanks Jesse! I will add you to my prayers. That God might bring us both discernment in His will for our actions! The story you cited is one of my favorites...a fave verse is Genesis 22:14, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided!" This was Abraham's response to his son when he said, "Uh Dad..where is the animal we will sacrifice?!"

  3. Jen, thank you for the prayers. I can't wait to see where God is leading you. I shall pray for you too. I guess in our cases (yours and mine) we are in a "wait" mode so that when we are given the go, it will show how mightily God is moving in our lives and that all we do is not of our own choosing but the Lord Almighty moving through us. I have such a habit of jumping the gun and run full tilt into the "next" thing... so this indecision I am facing is foreign to me. I believe God is growing me for just the right time. And I believe the same for you.

    P.S. I am hoping to go to The Covering next year to see my sponsor child Joseph. My husband and I own a videography business and I am wanting to donate my services while there- videoing the children for their sponsors and also some projects to be used for PR purposes for The Raining Season. I keep thinking that after I go things will make more sense for me.

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