Saturday, June 19, 2010

God's Girl

I can't remember where we were...Target? Walmart? Hy-Vee maybe? None-the-less my daughter Faith was with me and she had to use the restroom. Reluctantly I pushed the cart to the far end of the store. "Why can't they put these restrooms in a more convenient location?" 

After reaching the restrooms, strategically placing my cart outside the door, and entering with Faith, I watched as she stood outside the stall. She ever so slightly pushed the stall door open, peaking cautiously around the edge of the door. "Go in Faith! Go in. What are you waiting for?"  I encouraged her and pushed her in a hurried fashion. For goodness sake, we have shopping to do my girl! Why are you being so timid?

Later that night as I sit in prayer and reflection over my day, my thoughts went back to that short time span in the restroom with my daughter. Why was she so timid? It wasn't just there, that day, that I had seen this in her, but in so many other areas of her life too. We get phone calls from friends' saying she wants to come home early from her play dates. We see her tear up before going into a new Sunday school class. She approaches dogs and cats and bunnies with caution. It is is who she is. And this, this my dear friend, is vastly different than who I am. You see, I am the bull! I go in with full force. I jump in without hesitation, without concern for the rocks on the bottom of the pool.

So, not fully understanding the difference between her and myself, Faith's timidness was something I pondered that night.

"I will use that timidness! I created her and some day that timidness that I, the creator of the heaven and the earth, put into her, will use that timidness in her life."

It was as if I could audibly hear God speaking directly to me. It was as if He was saying to me,

"Who are you to think I messed up in the creation of your daughter?"

Wow...what a thought! God had every characteristic, every personality trait at His fingertips when He created my children. He could choose from courage, boldness, loyalty, humor and yes, even timidness!  And, for a reason that at times frustrates my fast paced, courageous self, He chose timidness for my daughter!

I don't know why. I can't see her whole life like He can. I can't know when this trait might become absolutely essential for her. I can speculate...might some day she be coaxed by a stranger to get into his vehicle? Might some day she be tempted to partake in something we disapprove of with her teenage friends? Might God some day use this in her to help her say no to a job He doesn't have planned for her? 

God knows...He sees the big picture...I don't! 

And for now, that's enough for me to embrace every one of her qualities and praise my God for making her who she is!

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Psalm 139:13


  1. WOW!

    you amaze me ... and exactly what i needed to hear today.

    it is so amazing how easily we become so worried about who they are... who are children are becoming... what qualities they have that like you said maybe perhaps are so unlike us.That maybe... just maybe we secretly wish they didn't have.
    and yet... your words speak volumes. your words... spoke right to my heart. and I was CONVICTED!
    i adore you xo


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