Saturday, April 9, 2011


This is from our skype session with Lucy today. We are teaching her how to touch her head, touch her eyes etc. She is progressing so well, although there is so much more to be done!  I just know she could accomplish talking and running and so much more if she was in the U.S.

So...on May 18th while I am in Sierra Leone, I will petition the U.S. government to allow us to bring her here for medical treatment.
This is a difficult task. The government wants to ensure that our intent is in fact to bring Lucy back to Sierra Leone.

Doug and I have come to that point. We have always loved her like our own biological children. We have always said we would do whatever it takes to SAVE ONE. This task embodies that concept!

We have to be willing to bring her here, to love on her, to sacrifice our own wants and needs, and to take her back at the end of her treatment.

Freely relinquish her.

Make the choice to bring her, knowing we will have to return her at some point...

Not because we don't have a choice, not because it is out of our control, but freely give her...
I was thinking, isn't that sortof what God did for us? 
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son..."

He relinquished him to us.

He gave him up so that we could have life.

He gave freely.

We too will give freely when the time comes. We too love her enough to know that even a small time with her will help her. We know that although it will be heart wrenching to do so, we love her enough that we will set aside our own desires and wishes and give her back.

God did it. We will do it.

With the prayer of knowing, Jesus now sits back with His father...


Please pray for God's will to be done in this process.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for your family over this. Jesus' time on earth 'with us' was short, but look at all He accomplished. I think Lucy will benefit from your time with her and who knows how she will help her country in return? I love this story. :) You are empowering her to return and make a difference as well. She can do more if she is healthy!


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