Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our Story...


  1. I love this video, Jen! It is beautiful!! The really cool part, is that this is just chapter 1 of the story. Can't wait to read the rest of the story (and be a part of it!) as God turns the pages!

  2. Jen, this is so beautiful! I've been hearing about your unfolding story and following along! Praying for God to sustain you all as you wait and pray and hope and dream!

  3. What a beautiful video! Today I saw you as we left church, I wanted to approach you, ask you for a coffee and hear the Lord's story of Lucy (I just started reading). I now see part of the story, but would still love coffee sometime! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. you are truly amazing!!! That was beautiful! Love her already!


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