Friday, August 27, 2010


It has been a busy couple of days. Fall semester has begun where I teach. There have been meetings, luncheons, preparation for class and the first session of courses to contend with. The students are back. The campus is a buzz. And the leaves have even started to fall! 

I have been praying about what to write on the blog because I know I have been gone from this for a bit. I kept thinking God would put some heavy duty lesson on my  heart...maybe connect it to this new start to fall semester...maybe to something one of my students' said or did...maybe to the beginning of football season...

...but nothing like that...

Only one image kept going through my mind...socks! 

Socks! I suppose it might have something to do with fall because as I looked at my cowboy boots this week I thought, "Oh I can't wait to wear fall clothes again!" And then, as the chill in the air hit during the evening this week, and I slid a pair of my favorite socks onto my toes, the lesson came...


Yep...blessing!  Socks are truly a blessing! 

You see right now my basement is full of donated shoes that will eventually adorn the feet of over 80 orphaned children in Africa. For many, it will be the first pair of shoes they have ever seen, let alone wore!

So then it hit the comfy, cozy pair of socks wrapped my feet...some people don't even know what socks are!!!  It is simply a miracle for them to get shoes, let alone socks!

How blessed are we???  Wow! The things we simply take for granted, things we don't even think about, things we would not even ponder not having! I will never look at my socks in the same way again!

Socks...who would have thought?   

God can literally change my mind with the simplest of things!


  1. Sounds like the students need to have a sock drive. What do you think??

  2. I think the kids would love it but I think our caregivers who have to wash and then iron every item of clothing by hand to get rid of little bugs in them would throw me in the ocean!!! :) Can't wait to see you Thursday!

  3. Haha...that's hilarious! Yeah..socks for a family of four is bad enough. Can't imagine socks for 80+ kids! Yay for getting to see you this week!


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