Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let the adventure begin...

Well, today was a huge day for our family. Today we welcomed Samuel Sarfo III all the way from Ghana to our home in Iowa!  Here is a picture of us at the airport when he arrived. he came.
We met them at the airport at 2 pm.
Picked up his two bags of luggage.
Proceeded to Pella.

"Samuel, what do you like to eat?"        
             "Pizza, chicken nuggets, rice."
"Samuel, what is your favorite color?"    
"Samuel, did you think it would be like this?"  
"Did you think it would be a big city?"    
              "Yes"  ( least we have windmills :)
"Samuel is there anywhere you want to visit in the USA?" 
              "Florida" (Kids agree!)
"Samuel, what do you want to do when you grow up?"    
              "Play in the NBA." (Kobe liked this)
"Samuel, can we call you Sam?"                                             
"Samuel, will you pick me up and hold me for this picture?"     
             "Yes." (Faith asked this!)
"Samuel, what time do you go to bed?"                                   
              "9:00" (Kobe, Luke & Faith were shocked)
"Samuel, what is your favorite team?"                                      
              "The Magic" (Luke liked this.)
"Samuel, who is your favorite player?"                                     
              "Dwight Howard"

 and one of my favorites....

"Samuel, can you dunk?"                                                       
               "Yes." (Kobe asked this & Loved this!)

So, he is here. We are getting to know each other. Tomorrow he will start school.

And, the consequences, the beautiful consequences of our simple obedience to God's call, have begun to shine through!

To share from the Pella Christian handbook that we received tonight during our school tour:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself." 
Luke 10:27

Just lovin in Pella,


  1. Jen,
    I am really excited for your family. I have been following your blog and read about Sam. I just wanted you to know that I lifted your family up in prayer today for wisdom, patience, and that the love of Christ would be shown to Sam through your family. Thank you for your willingness to open you home. What an encouragement!!
    Andrew Sisco

  2. So excited for you all! Sam is a wonderful kid and so polite! God has placed him with your family for such a time as this :). P.S., I'm Janel's mom. ~ Lori

  3. Awesome!! God has blessed your family, and Samuel, by bringing you all together! You and Doug are such an example of obedience...thank you!


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