Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pure Joy.....

We skyped with Lucy again this morning. It is pure joy to see this little girl!  I can't help but cry tears of joy over the work our Lord has done in the life of this child.
She was left on a beach as an infant. Abandoned. Deserted. Left to fend for herself, to die.
Unwanted. Unloved.
Then she was brought to an orphanage where they believed she was cursed because of her disabilities.
Again, abandoned. Deserted. Left on a mat-unfed-untouched-unloved.

Someone asked me recently, "Why her?" Of all the kids at The Covering, "Why Lucy?"

The question was an honest question. It was a question loaded with assumptions - the assumption that our life will never be the same when we get her into our family-the assumption that we will constantly have medical treatment for her- the assumption that she will never walk or talk or communicate-the assumption that we will be making a ginormous sacrifice as a family-

My only answer was "We were called!"

God brought this little girl into our hearts when she was dirty and broken, when she was full of parasites and unable to stand. When we had no opportunity for contact with her and were forced to rely on the only thing we could - FAITH!

"Faith is the essence of things unseen."




When we don't see the way out. When we don't know the plan. When we can't possibly imagine what life will be like. When we aren't sure what lies ahead. When we are fearful and scared and timid.


Today...Lucy took a step without assistance!
Today....Lucy played peek-a-boo with her sister across the internet!
Today....Lucy said, "HI!"
Today....Lucy showed that GOD IS NOT DONE WITH HER!

GOD was never done with her! God has a plan my dear sisters!

A plan for Lucy.

And a plan for you!

Will you have the FAITH to see it through?

Will you CHOOSE the FAITH, when the road looks dark?

Will you CHOOSE the FAITH, when you can't see your way?

Will you CHOOSE the FAITH, when you feel abandoned, and broken, and fearful?

Believe me my dear sisters, I have been there....and God...GOD...proves Himself true!



Love, Jen

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