Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another day of amazement

Today was another day filled with amazing happenings. If you read the blog at you will get some of the details from one of my team members. I will try to give my version and my thoughts.

Psalm 25:1 says, "To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God" Every day over and over while I am here, I am witnessing the truth of this scripture.

We visited Kroo Bay  today. It is something my brain could not have even imagined. This is a village that is built right near the ocean on top of a garbage dump. The river running through the village is full of garbage. Pigs rummage through it and the people get their water from it. Children play in it. The stench is something I can not describe. For several on the team, it was so unimaginable that they could not even look or take pictures. It is something you can not even fathom! But as I sat in the meeting with the chief of the village, I could not even hear what he was saying. I could only focus on a young mother sitting just outside the building with her infant daughter. That mother held her daughter, wrapping her arms around her tightly. The baby looked up in her mother's eyes and the mother smiled. This young mother then realized I was watching her and when I smiled at her both the baby and her smiled back at me. The mother was so proud of her baby. She must have been so thrilled as I just sat staring at her beautiful baby. And in that moment, I knew why God had brought me here. In that moment I realized what God meant when he told us that we are all His people.

You see this mother loves her child in the same way I love Kobe, Luke and Faith. She must have the same hopes, dreams and wants for this little girl. She wraps her arms around her baby the same way I will when I get home to Iowa. She smiles when her child looks into her eyes. And God loves her and her baby the same way He loves me.
For reasons I may never understand, this mother lives in this horrendous inhumane place. She washes her baby in water that a pig has rummaged through. She lives in a shack that is flooded to waist high during the raining season. She has no furniture, no toys, no diapers, no bottles, no food. And God gave me the means to help! I don't know why. I sometimes ask God why me? It is easy to see a place like Kroo Bay and become completely overwhelmed. The problem is so vast. The suffering is so deep. But I now know that this suffering exists and I am choosing to do something about it. I am taking just a small step. I can't clean up all of  Kroo Bay. I can't change the entire situation.  But I can buy some pillows for some kids at an orphanage who don't have any right now. I can teach the staff how to dispense children's tylenol. I can ready the place in the event the orphaned children of Kroo Bay end up at The Covering.  I am choosing to obey my God and know that His plan will see me through. I have no idea of knowing if that mother saw God's love in me with my smile but I do know that I saw God in her!


  1. Hey Jen!! what a beautiful story abt the mom and her baby.... God is so amazing all consuming.. just when you thought you were giving her hope a moment of love she in turn gave it to you.. .gave you GOD's love... truly amazing!! thanks for the pics! Little Lucy..we are all praying for her..

    I read psalm 142 tonight, made me think of the children and ppl of SL.. I pray that HIS name is praised..that when their spirit is weak they are blessed with a smile or a touch from one of you.

    Sad news abt the social minister not meeting with you all, we know though that God's plans are so much better than ours.. he will make the walls fall down and doors open...

    "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ" Philippians 4:7.

    Love to you from Iowa!

  2. I see Jesus in you, Jen! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being His hands and feet. I can't imagine what you are experiencing there.

    God gave me this to share with you...

    Psalm 37 (be sure to read the whole thing in your are just a few verses that really spoke to me)

    3 Trust in the Lord and do good.
    Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
    4 Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you your heart’s desires.

    5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
    Trust him, and he will help you.
    6 He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
    and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

    7 Be still in the presence of the Lord,
    and wait patiently for him to act.
    Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
    or fret about their wicked schemes.

    18 Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent,
    and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever.
    19 They will not be disgraced in hard times;
    even in famine they will have more than enough.

    Love you!

  3. Hi Teske, Did you see the pictures of the twins on the other blog? They are doing so much better! I hold them every chance I get!!! They seriously are sooooo cute!!! Your money and sacrifice in sponsoring them is truly and I mean literally saving their lives!!! Yesterday when I got to the orphanage Geraldine (the girl twin) felt really warm. She had fever. I was able to teach the caregivers how to dispense infant tylenol. I didn't know if they were understanding to give it every four hours. Last night when we got there, she was well!!! YOUR PRAYERS, OBEDIENCE TO GOD AND MONEY IS SAVING HER!!! I love you!

  4. Anne, I love you!!! When I see your posts I tear up. I know you had been praying that this trip would change me and wow, have those prayers been answered! Give Gus, Ella and Mac a big hug and tell them to start looking for toys to give to the kids here. They will take anything! Two little boys sat and played for hours with an old car yesterday!!! Sweetest picture!!!

  5. Dear Jen, Your last paragraph yesterday, Wednesday, at 7:08 p.m. touched my soul; it (what you described as your little bit you are doing) is all you can do -- BUT it is SO MUCH when we do what seems so little!! It is the world to the ones who receive it. You are doing great work there. You mean the world to somebody today!!
    Your writing throughout feels inspired -- I can feel your love coming out in your writing. Yes, you are a changed person!! What you are doing and experiencing is life-altering; you can never get away from it--which is why we need to be there and be a part of it. I am so happy for you to be there and to give the love you have to give. My thoughts and prayers go with you and with those who stay and work with the children in SL. Much love, Sedahlia


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