Friday, February 26, 2010

Prayers for Lucy

But Jesus answered them,
"You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God."
Matthew 22:29

In this portion of scripture, Jesus is responding to a question posed by the Sadducees about whose wife a woman would be at the time of resurrection. Jesus is point blank in his answer, reminding them that they have not read the scripture or understood it correctly. In effect, I believe Jesus is saying, "Do you not know who I am and what is to be accomplished in my death and resurrection here?"

My heart is joyful yet heavy today. I can not stop thinking about Lucy. As I sit in my office, she sits in the orphanage, neglected, dirty and uncared for. Recent word is that she will not be moved to The Covering. She has taken a hold of my heart as if she were my own biological child. I can see the same feelings in Doug's eyes when we talk about her or look at photos of her. My dear friend, Tina, is working tirelessly to get help to Lucy and some other children being neglected. She is fighting to get them help. She is fighting to be their advocate, to speak for them because they can not speak for themselves. BUT...The mountains are HIGH!The boundaries are GREAT!The struggle is LONG!

But Jesus answered them,
"You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God."
Matthew 22:29

And yet, this verse, sent to me today by a friend, gives me encouragement!  MY GOD IS HIGH! MY GOD IS GREAT! MY GOD IS IN CONTROL!  I am wrong if I do not claim His word, claim His promises, claim His power. So today, I am praying that He might move the mountains. I am praying that He might remove the boundaries! I am praying that He might bring her to our arms, in these circumstances that would show everyone the GLORY OF HIS POWER and NAME!


  1. Jen, I'll be praying for Lucy, too! I'm part of the group in MO, who will be traveling to The Covering in May. We are sponsoring and praying about adopting the Essa siblings (baby twins and their older siblings, Mamie & Muhamed). God has done such an amazing work in our hearts and lives. He has broken our hearts for orphans, Africa and Sierra Leone. I'd have never imagined we would be in this place! Thanks for posting while you were there - I waited expectantly for words and pictures every day! They were such a blessing! God is GREAT!! Lucy is HIS and He HAS NOT FORGOTTEN HER! Blessings!

  2. Hi Jodi,
    Good to hear from you! God is doing amazing things with The Covering. I went to your blog and noticed the pictures of the kids. Just to let you know they are now calling the twins, Gerald and Geraldine. They are growing every day and the sponsorships from you and others are doing amazing things in their lives. My best friend here in Iowa, who has lost two children of her own, is also sponsoring the twins. God is so think there are people all over the world, coming together to help these children!
    You will LOVE your trip! It is an emotional roller coaster ride, but so very life changing! I am glad I know your name so I can pray for you specifically!

  3. Some verses to encourage you...

    Jeremiah 49:11 - "Leave your orphans; I will protect their lives. Your widows too can trust in me."

    Deuteronomy 10:17-18 - “For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice.

    He is God over ALL. In John 14 Jesus promises that he will not leave us as orphans. Cling to Him!


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