Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The green dumpster

There is a huge green garbage dumpster in our driveway. It is not pretty. It kindof smells. And I keep looking at it thinking about the cleaning I have to do this week to fill that thing! 

You see when we bought our house there was a basement with a wall of paint cans. The previous owner was an artist. Well, she left all of her, green, shades of pink....most of it dried up and useless.  It has sat in our basement for almost three years now. I just haven't mustered the time and energy to dispose of it.

But is a green dumpster...and by the end of will be filled. All the leftovers, all the cast-offs, all of our useless junk will be dumped in there to be carried away to the landfill.

It got me thinkin...God is kindof like a dumpster...(I know, it feels weird to even write dumpster and God in one statement). But He is in some ways. He wants us to bring Him our baggage from life. He wants to know what it is that holds us back. He wants to clean our basement so to speak.

So, look at this dumpster again....

What do you need to dump?
Past relationships?
A sin of the past that you can't seem to forget?

Do it now my sister! Take this time and just dump it onto the shoulders of our loving,
forgiving, healing savior Jesus Christ!

Dear Lord, Take it all. Take it all. I am sorry for my past mistakes, the sins in my life. I can never measure up to your holiness except through your love, grace and forgiveness. I am dumping it all on you Lord. I am ready for you to be my landfill and carry it away!  In your holy, precious, forgiving name I pray! Amen.


  1. Giving it all to Him today! And also wishing I had a big green dumpster sitting in my garage this week. :)

  2. $40...and you can have one too!!!!! :)


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