Monday, July 26, 2010

Luv u 2

Luv u 2.

The words came across my phone in a text message. My heart about lept out of my chest! My eleven year old son was texting me that he loved me! Anyone who knows kids, knows that this is not the age for a boy to be showing outward expressions of emotion to their parents. I mean they are in that pre-teen stage...trying to figure out who they are, too cool for hugs, but still wanting the occasional physical touch from their mom or dad.

I was thinking, this must be how God feels when someone turns to Him and gives Him the glory and the love. He waits for us to respond to his unconditional love. He waits for us to say, "I love you Lord!" He waits for us to show an outward expression of our love.

"Today if you hear my voice, do not harden your heart!" 
Hebrews 3:7b


  1. did kobe get a phone? or was he using dougs.. regardless so sweet!! luv u 2!

  2. We got an extra line for the kids to have at home and for Kobe to have in these type of situations. He is sweet!


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