Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Africa?

A few months ago  my 11 year old son, Kobe, shot 1000 three pointers to raise money for the kids at The Covering in Sierra Leone, Africa to have a basketball hoop. From his initiative, Kyle Korver, NBA player jumped on board and did a promotion in our town with Kobe. At that promotion, was CJ, a college student I had in class last semester. CJ decided to put on a golf fundraiser which will happen August 1st at Bos Landen Golf Course in Pella. Another student in my class, Zach, will raise money and golf in that event.

Do you see the ripple effect taking place here?

Today, as Zach was trying to raise money to support the children in Africa, he was asked the question, "WHY AFRICA?" 

How do you respond to that?  Why Africa?

I am not sure who the person is that asked Zach this question. I do know I have been asked it several times myself and it is usually followed by something like, "Well, I mean there are people here in the U.S. who need help."

To me, I guess that is irrelevant. I could give the people who say this an entire lecture on the difference between what we consider poverty here and the poverty I saw there. I could tell them about the insane obesity rate that actually exists among the poor in the United States. I could show them a video of the little baby in the hospital in Sierra Leone who was so malnourished that she couldn't even cry. But you see, to me, that is not the real answer to the question...

To me, no one, not a person in Harlem, a person in Pocahontas, Iowa, or a peson in Africa, deserves help more than anyone else does. We are all sinners. We all need mercy and grace. We all need to experience the hands and feet of Christ. Even though the facts would substantiate a much greater level of poverty than in the United States, living in Sierra Leone does not make the children there MORE deserving of my love and help.

To me, the answer to the question, "WHY AFRICA?" is simple:


I don't know why He put these children on my heart over the children in inner city Des Moines. I don't know why He chose a place that is miles away and many dollars to visit. I just know HE CALLED.

You calling is Sierra Leone. My calling is Lucy and Maligie and Emmanuel and Sheriff and Betty and Fallah and Foday. My calling is to educate and love and give in that country.

But my friend, if you are listening and willing to also have a calling. You also have a place, a person, a reason for which God wants to use you!

My sister, Anne, volutneers her time to the Family Resource Center in her town. Kate holds events and fundraisers for the National Guard family support programs. My mom gives quietly over and over again to her family and anyone else who crosses her path. My dad shares Christ, even as his body is pumped full of chemotherapy. And my friend, she works tirelessly to support women who have experienced the death of their children.

They have all been called. They help here in the United States. They heard the call. They felt the call. And they obeyed!  Just like me...they know that all of us are sinners in need of a savior. They know there are people who need to be ministered to. People who need to see Christ. They know that God has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives...and they simply obeyed the call.

Why Africa?

Because He told me to! 

So the question remains, what is He telling you to do?

"The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said,
"Here I am; you called me."
1 Samuel 3:8

1 comment:

  1. Awesome answer! To sum it up in one word: OBEDIENCE! :)


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